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[Discussion] Book Titles


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was looking through some of my in game books today, and it got me thinking.

Is there a way to entitle a book so that the title is longer than the approximately 20-25 characters?

I ask this because i had gotten the recent event book "A First Edition Copy Of The Grammar On Orcish By Yorrick OF Yew" (ocean blue normal looking book) and am wondering if the book could in fact be duplicated (not by me, but i see them for sale for about 70mil on luna vendors)

I ask this because i found a few of my books also have long titles, which should not normally fit. One is "The Wild Girl Of The Forest" (the "est" doesnt show up on the first page, only on the cover) and one is "You That Love Lovers, This Is Your Home. Welcome! -Rumi"

Now in this book, on the first book page under "by" it says "Edited By Deadbob"

So it looks like Deadbob (a well known book-store owner on Atlantic) wrote / titled the second book?

Im basically asking this because i want to know if my event book is basically worthless because it can be recreated legally in game, and also because i would like to know how to put longer titles on books for my own use (i sometimes enjoy writing books in-game)

Thanks for any information on this topic !

Rare Collector

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In the EC you can make a book with a much longer title than in the CC. Not sure if you can recreate the color of the event item book tho.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks, i would have never figured that out as i never play the EC !