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[Price Check] Bones and taking offers


Stratics Veteran
Im cleaning after 10 years. The bones are a containers that you can open. It looks like a corpse you're looting. I have 3, I would like to know how much for each one.




Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
they are not still obtainable, if they are just "bones" primeval lich spawn you can get red or black "bones" and there were the character named from halloween. i used to sell what i think yuo have for 500k to 1mil per, but since there are more options now im not sure on price. P.S. there were also the "unknown bard / mage's / etc" bones that sell for maybe 50-100k each.


Stratics Veteran
they are not still obtainable, if they are just "bones" primeval lich spawn you can get red or black "bones" and there were the character named from halloween. i used to sell what i think yuo have for 500k to 1mil per, but since there are more options now im not sure on price. P.S. there were also the "unknown bard / mage's / etc" bones that sell for maybe 50-100k each.

All they say are "Bones", There not from Halloween. I got them many years ago and just found them in a box.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yep they are what im thinking of then. they are old, worth keeping.


Stratics Veteran
The "Bones" bone containers spawned in many containers during a period of a few months I remember, can't remember the time, probably around 2001, every single hour, up to 100+ containers had a chance to spawn these bone containers and players like myself would collect 1 of each type and bank them, some players obviously farmed these boxes and thus there are probably easily 100,000 of them floating around, their value depends on the buyer, 5k to 100k each.