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Bone Master Shatters A World of Memories!!!

Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Many citizens showed up to support the stronghold and lend their skilled talents to Tobby in order to remove the enchantments placed on the World Memory ....

EM Tailspin arrived with a message from Tobby on what would be needed by the crafters along with the warning that the Bone Master had been sighted heading for the stronghold ....

Warriors were to remain diligent in their battle stance ready to attack any foes who tried to enter the stronghold ...

while crafters hurriedly started to prepare the special need enhanced items the thinkers would solve the puzzle as to the right combination of the crafted goods placing them in the special mechanical device ...

Time was of essence and before the first batch of special crafted items were made a surge of the enemy struck ....

the gallant fighters struck hard against them and the encampment was soon claimed as secured ... but not for long .....

Once again another surge of the Bone Masters minions appeared ... larger in numbers than the first ... strong and the smell of death started to rise to the special room on the top floor ...

crafters and thinkers did not let it deter them from the task at hand ... working together they tried several combinations with the crafted items .... but there was a catch!!!

If the combination to the puzzle was wrong .... not only would an item be destroyed BUT the RED DEATH would appear in the midst of the crafters .... as if the combination unlocked the evilness behind the Bone Master

Quickly more of the crafted items were made and the thinkers tried again and again to unlock the right combination .... explosions rocked the floors and sent flames straight to the roof ....

Finally ...... the right combination was discovered and Tobby had begun to read the memory when once more the building shook violently ... warriors cried out .... DEATH TO THE BONE MASTER ....

the Bone Master thrashed and hurled many of the good citizens and brave fighters to the side like flicking nats out of the way ....

Before he could be stopped he made it to the roof and confronted Tobby and the weary workers and thinkers ... shooting bolts of lightening at them ....

and with one quick blow he sent Tobby off the side of the stronghold!!

Rushing to the ground to save Tobby from certain death the citizens fought with all their might against anything that came their way .... while the Bone Master laughed as if his mission was complete ...

But with the power of Sonoma's community spirit against him he raced into the forest ... yelling out that he will return ....

Focus quickly turned to Tobby .... can he be dead? Can he be healed? What could be done to save him? From the crowd it was heard .... lets take him to the HEALER IN BRIT!!!

Gently lifting him the group started slowly walking to town ... anxious to get there as fast as possible but knowing any sudden movements could worsen his condition ... a broken branch or a lost root could be the end for him .... plus lets face it .. a tree trunk as big as Tobbys' is HEAVY!!!!!

Once at the Healers a special first aid box was set in place for the citizens to donate needed materials to help in healing him ... it was determined by the Healers that he was unconscious with many abrasions to his bark ... his upper branches would need binding for a while but his roots were in good condition.

Folks started bringing in healing pots, band aids, fertile dirt, enhanced apples and many other items with the hope that something would help ...

EM Tailspin had received word from one of the Highly Charged Golems (Guardians) that managed to crawl away from the battle just long enough to send word by a sparrow before disintegrating ....

Tailspin suggested we come to the EM Hall to discuss our plans on how to help Tobby and finalize this evilness created by the Bone Master and stating that he thought Tobby should be fine and we needed to rest for the night.

Stay alert and watch for any movements from the evil ....
