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Bonding Qusetion



If i have a ring an a bracelet of taming that put me to 115 taming an 110 lore can i bond a cu sidhe???
If so how do i go about doing it???


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, you can bond a cu sidhe with jewellery - just ensure you have the skill jewellery equipped when you feed the pet at the start and end of the timer.

The way I bond pets is simple. I tame the pet, feed it then stable it for 7 days. Then claim it and feed the pet again. That should bond the pet to you.

After that, you may need to continue wearing skill items to ensure you have enough control.



every time i feed it it says:
your pet cannot forma bond with you until your animal taming has risen.
will it still bond??


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you sure you're wearing the correct skill items when you feed the pup?

It won't bond if the game thinks you don't have enough skill, so double check you've got the items on and try feeding again.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I tried to bond a dread warhorse I was given last week and was told it wouldn't bond until my skill had risen. (I fed it and stabled it last week with 105.9 taming skill including a braclets 7 skill. ) I added a ring to max the taming skill at 115 and it bonded.

Will it stay bonded if my character gets killed and doesn't have the jewelry taming points? Will it if both character and warhorse get killed?

I'd hate to take the warhorse hunting, get wiped out, and have no ghost to rezz.


Just make sure that the jewls you need are equiped when you go hunting and you pet is bonded. If you get killed get your self resed and equipe all you jewls before you give your pet any commands. That should do the trick for you. I have jewls that get me to 109 taming and I've done it that way for years, as I can not get my self to do the taming grind any more. Good Luck


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks. :) I try and remember that no commands until the jewelry's back on advice.

I agree on the taming grind. It's at 98.9, and... I... just,,,can't,,, do it anymore. It's GGS gains when they happen.


Taming raises soo slowly.. after 4 months my natural taming is still only 85.x

I use a +15 Ring and +14 Bracelet plus a +5 talisman while taming.

You must have enough taming and lore to accept transfer or tame a creature before it will bond.

I have tamed/bonded many creatures even tho my real skill is much lower.

If you use enhanced client make a 1-keypress macro to equip your items after death. It's easy and saves minutes of fumbling around in the pack after a res. Plus gives instant pet control if you rely on items.