Hi UO team,
you need to remove the shield BODs, whatever helm BODs, female armor BODs ASAP for starters.
Whatever the patch that took place already a year(?) ago on the BOD change, I just dont see any difference. After a full day's repeating the filling & turn-in process yesterday for the first time after call it a quit over the constant frastration of getting decent BODs, my conclusion is: I'll try again in 6 months.
When I finally get a decent color BOD, it is often a SHIELD BOD. NICE. That just ruins the already slim chance for a valorite hammer. So far I'm still far away from filling a valorite hammer on my own. I'm not a newbie who doesn't know those tricks of getting things done if you what I mean. I've filled some b-kits regularly over the years when I am in the mood for the bore. But this smithy BOD is just bad as before. 2000 small bods a day, and not a valorite/verite platemail bod??
This is year 2009 February and UO is still showing strong sign of extremely impressive...slow progress.
you need to remove the shield BODs, whatever helm BODs, female armor BODs ASAP for starters.
Whatever the patch that took place already a year(?) ago on the BOD change, I just dont see any difference. After a full day's repeating the filling & turn-in process yesterday for the first time after call it a quit over the constant frastration of getting decent BODs, my conclusion is: I'll try again in 6 months.
When I finally get a decent color BOD, it is often a SHIELD BOD. NICE. That just ruins the already slim chance for a valorite hammer. So far I'm still far away from filling a valorite hammer on my own. I'm not a newbie who doesn't know those tricks of getting things done if you what I mean. I've filled some b-kits regularly over the years when I am in the mood for the bore. But this smithy BOD is just bad as before. 2000 small bods a day, and not a valorite/verite platemail bod??
This is year 2009 February and UO is still showing strong sign of extremely impressive...slow progress.