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BOD Books


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe it's just me, but does anybody else find a little annoyingly stupid that we can't use the house tool to turn bulk order books ?

But we can on most other items like Runic Atlases and things of a similar size and look.

I mean it's not a deal breaker but not being able to do that really f's up the look I'm going for in my Smith room.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I find it more annoyingly stupid that I can't sort them alphabetically if I choose. :-/

And even more annoying that they take up 1 lockdown per 5 bods whereas jewelry boxes, alacrity books, PS books, trans books all take 1 lockdown for the whole full book.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When you say sort alphabetically, what exactly do you mean?

Like in terms of the items requested by the bods? Because if so, that seems like that could get real messy real quick. Or maybe confusing might be a more appropriate word.


Stratics Veteran
When you say sort alphabetically, what exactly do you mean?

Like in terms of the items requested by the bods? Because if so, that seems like that could get real messy real quick. Or maybe confusing might be a more appropriate word.
Sort by item name I think he means. Bladed Staff before Katana before Mace, etc. Would be handy but could get messy as well.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And even more annoying that they take up 1 lockdown per 5 bods. . . . .
It drives me absolutely crazy how many items they take up!

I am a BOD hoarder pretty much and all of my houses and storage characters are all full up!

Is it bad that I've considered moving my BOD books to characters I have on other shards?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
It drives me absolutely crazy how many items they take up!

I am a BOD hoarder pretty much and all of my houses and storage characters are all full up!

Is it bad that I've considered moving my BOD books to characters I have on other shards?
I brought this up over on the official forums. The Devs didn't respond to it but another poster said that the Devs have said at a couple Meet & Greets that they don't plan on changing this because they don't want to enable BOD hoarding. I guess their logic is since we can get a new BOD by turning in a filled one that we should/could be filling them to work towards a LBOD rather than collecting all the BODs and we need for the LBOD and storing them.

Not saying that I agree with any of their logic but it seems like there is slim to no chance that they change BOD books to work like any other "book" that holds things (or jewelry box or Davies Locker).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not saying that I agree with any of their logic, but it seems like there is slim to no chance that they change BOD books to work like any other "book" that holds things (or jewelry box or Davies Locker).
Lady Storm tilted at that windmill for the last six years. If Messena hasn't changed it for her by now, she will not change it ever.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1 lockdown per 5 bods
There's a workaround though you'd prefer the devs just plain make a change to be less annoying.
Put the BOD books onto vendors, and hit "escape" to make the BOD books not-for-sale.
You still have to feed the vendors gold often enough so that they don't disappear.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's a workaround though you'd prefer the devs just plain make a change to be less annoying.
Put the BOD books onto vendors, and hit "escape" to make the BOD books not-for-sale.
You still have to feed the vendors gold often enough so that they don't disappear.
30k commission vendor. Never goes anywhere.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also, I know it doesn't solve much if any of the real problem.

But since we can all currently buy up to 60% housing n Bank storage. I'd buy another pack or 2 if they took it up to a hundred.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I brought this up over on the official forums. The Devs didn't respond to it but another poster said that the Devs have said at a couple Meet & Greets that they don't plan on changing this because they don't want to enable BOD hoarding. I guess their logic is since we can get a new BOD by turning in a filled one that we should/could be filling them to work towards a LBOD rather than collecting all the BODs and we need for the LBOD and storing them.

Not saying that I agree with any of their logic but it seems like there is slim to no chance that they change BOD books to work like any other "book" that holds things (or jewelry box or Davies Locker).
This dev team is one of the most clueless I can remember. People hoard regardless. The only way to stop it is to only offer 1 item of any type. They expanded the bod system to so many skills now. What did they expect?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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The idea is that if they quit expanding the storage... as they fear if you had more storage you'd drop accounts... they want you to sub another account and add a whole other house rather than just getting 10 or 20% more storage...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The idea is that if they quit expanding the storage... as they fear if you had more storage you'd drop accounts... they want you to sub another account and add a whole other house rather than just getting 10 or 20% more storage...
If I really wanted to I could rework my storage so it benefits me with or without additional capacity. Not that I really need it right now, I was just saying that if they did something like that. That I would buy into it. Even if they did it on like a $3 monthly rate per 20% or something stupid like that.

But I would still have my limits on a monthly price point.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's a workaround though you'd prefer the devs just plain make a change to be less annoying.
Put the BOD books onto vendors, and hit "escape" to make the BOD books not-for-sale.
You still have to feed the vendors gold often enough so that they don't disappear.
I'm well aware of this and this is how I store my 30,000 bods. However, I'd prefer to not lag up the system with all these vendors and stuff that has to load when someone walks by. I want consistency. Someone else wrote the bod book logic years ago and every other item since uses 1 lockdown per book. Bods were never updated. Its super annoying. The original goal was to encourage people to trade bods instead of hoarding them but now with bribing no one needs to trade any bods anymore so whats the point? Let us store in our house instead of non-sale vendors.

Here is the top floor of my house on GL. Yes these are all vendors all full to the gills with bods. 600+ per vendor x 58 vendors. 34,000+ . This doesn't include chests and floor books that are unsorted yet.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The idea is that if they quit expanding the storage... as they fear if you had more storage you'd drop accounts... they want you to sub another account and add a whole other house rather than just getting 10 or 20% more storage...
Nice theory but we can use vendors to store them so they actually take ZERO storage. If I kept a 1 lockdown book in my house I'd have 200-300 lockdowns used up.

If they really cared about storage they would have not introduced jewelry boxes, bank storage etc. The storage is a nonsense argument if they are going to allow 1 lockdown SOT, PS, etc.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When you say sort alphabetically, what exactly do you mean?

Like in terms of the items requested by the bods? Because if so, that seems like that could get real messy real quick. Or maybe confusing might be a more appropriate word.
What I mean is that if I sort Aphabetically then when I have a book full of Leather Cap, Leather Sleeves, Leather Tunics I get them in order.

Leather Cap....
Leather Cap...
Leather Cap...
Leather Sleeve...
Leather Sleeve...

When you have a book of 400 bods and you want to find if you have a Leather Sleeve 20 EX Spined you can filter by Spined 20 EX but then you get Caps, sleeves, tunics, etc all jumbled up. You could be paging for screens before finding them. If it were just sorted alpabetic I could page down and if I don't see any before I get to Leather Tunic - I'm done. I don't need to flip 40 screens to see if I have one.

Leather Cap
Leather Tunic
Leather Cap
Leather Legs
Leather Cap
Leather Tunic
Leather Cap
Leather Gorget
Leather Tunic
Leather Sleeves

(Do you see how messy?)

As it is - I sort my books separately now so I have a book just for sleeves because of this problem. So when I need to find 5 bods to fill a large I have to go to 5 books. If I put them together its a non-sorted mess. Its in the order you put them in the book. This is an issue when you are managing tens of thousands of bods. This is especially annoying when you have a collection book with 300 bods and you want to drop all the bone bods. You have to flip all 30 pages and pull them out rather than go to the B's and just start dropping until you finish the bone bods. Maybe 3 screens.

A simple check box for alpha sort on the filter screen and a few lines of code is all you need.