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Boat Commands

Duncan Drake

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there. Bought a tokuno ship yesterday.

Now I have a auestion about boat commands. I want to drop anchor but it doesn´t work. Yelling "drop anchor" doesn´t do anything.

Today I recalled to my ship and it was in the middle of nowhere.

Can anybody help me there. Is there some kind of new "drop anchor" command or what?


UO Forum Moderator
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No, there's no drop anchor command at all anymore, as the new boats don't need it with the change in how security is handled.

You can click your pilot to set who can control your ship, or set it to control with a mouse (which sucks, IMO). Ship security works much like a house (After all, classic ships were originally coded as "houses that move" and were stored on a variant of the HOUSING SERVER).

The command for stopping a ship is "stop" not "drop anchor", and has been for as long as there have been ships. "Drop anchor" stopped the ship as part of the process of immobilizing the ship from movement, but was never meant to be the "stop" command.

Lord Lew

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Some areas have a no park zone, like Zento docs and the floating emporium. If you leave your boat in these areas, it is auto moved away from the area. The other two reasons are either a GM moved it, or you left it public and captain-able by anyone.

Duncan Drake

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ah ok this may be the solution. I parked the ship at the docks of the floating emporium. Thx a lot for the replies

Lord Lew

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
You have to park your boat outside the buoys that surround the floating emporium, your boat will stay there.