Lord Gareth
UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
Thursday 29, 2009 (TONIGHT)
In the theme of Halloween, tonight's outing will be a trip into the depths of Dungeon Deceit in Tram. Creatures here are also reported to be carrying the new Halloween items as treasure. Between the rate of spawn and the general number of undead wandering it's halls, there should be action to be had by all The only good undead is a dead undead I say!
As usual, we'll be gathering at the Blue Light Tavern at 8:30pm est and heading down to the dungeon entrance by 8:45. We'll fight our way in and as far down as we can before gating out. Be sure to bring your undead slayers and orange petals.
Also, I'm still working on the calendar of events and hope to have it posted as soon as possible.