So a few days ago me and some guildies did a Neira champ. Happy happy joy joy when a rotting corpse that became blackrock infected had a blackrock infected wooden chest on it!...
Finally! A Felucca level 6 t-map! As a t-map/treasurehunter junkie, I've been looking for one for ages. Did loads of level 5 t-maps in Felucca in the hopes of blackrock infecting a level 5 t-map giving monster, but to no avail. All was however forgotten, my journey was finally at an end...
I couldn't wait to get home and pick the chest, a quick telekinesis and that was that, I would finally be holding that map... *gleams*
You see: an Ingeniously Drawn Treasuremap for Trammel
Live team, as punishment for making an old fart like me happy with an empty nuttshell, please meet me outside Moonglow, Felucca at 20:00 CET, turn off invulnerability mode and feel my wrath...
You bastards :gun:
Finally! A Felucca level 6 t-map! As a t-map/treasurehunter junkie, I've been looking for one for ages. Did loads of level 5 t-maps in Felucca in the hopes of blackrock infecting a level 5 t-map giving monster, but to no avail. All was however forgotten, my journey was finally at an end...
I couldn't wait to get home and pick the chest, a quick telekinesis and that was that, I would finally be holding that map... *gleams*
You see: an Ingeniously Drawn Treasuremap for Trammel
Live team, as punishment for making an old fart like me happy with an empty nuttshell, please meet me outside Moonglow, Felucca at 20:00 CET, turn off invulnerability mode and feel my wrath...
You bastards :gun: