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[Auction] Blaze Cu Sidhe @ RED COW AUCTION !! SATURDAY APR 18TH, 2015 @ 7:30 CENTRAL/8:30 EASTERN


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Please join the Red Cow Auction on Lake Superior for a great Auction, Trivia & Games.

Date: SATURDAY, April 18 at 7:30pm Central / 8:30 Eastern

Gold is accepted on Lake Superior.
Gold is also accepted on Atlantic with prior notification please - icq me or posting here would be great. Proxy bids also accepted - icq me.

Location: Red Cow Auction House east of the Zento Gate:
Zento Coordinates: 32 11N 34 22W

A gate will be provided from Luna Bank.

Games & Bags of money to be given away. At the end of the auction we will have a dart throwing contest. Gold will be given for each bulls-eye. Come join the fun!

Raffling stuff!
1st place: 1-tile deco Soul Forge 2nd place: Trade Quest Guild Sign 3rd place: rubble log

1 armor engraving tool
2 soulstone frag tokens - two of them
3 Animated Legs of the Insane Tinker - blessed
4 Mini House Deed - Castle
5 Partism Of Chaos
6 Tangle - blessed
7 Samhayne's Crooked Key Drop Spot
8 Barrel Sponge
9 assorted armor - 5 pieces
10 Ancient Hell Hound Statuette
11 Torture Rack South Deed
12 Glacial Special Hair Dye
13 Large Glowing Lady Bug - red
14 Full Pillory - not the deed!
15 The King's Collection Box with all the deeds (fire/ship/barrel)
16 Lava Fishing Pole - no longer attainable - 4 of them
17 A Long Time Lost Relic From Lord British Castle
18 A Deed For A Cannon 7 year vet reward-2 of them
19 Fresh Green Lady Bug
20 Chinese New Year Prosperity Lucky Goats
21 Undertaker's Staff
22 Raised Garden Bed - 3 of them
23 Champion Of Doom's Lantern Of Light
24 Mannequin Deeds - 10 of them
25 Crimson Cincture - blessed
26 Neon gift box hue 1101 box # 51B
27 Buta No Marukoge, Sparkling Cherry Juice, Kabita Ti-Zu
28 Blaze Cu Sidhe - stats below.
29 A Coffin - 2 pieces that makes cute mini coffin
30 House Teleporter Set - Veteran Version
31 Xenrr's Fishing Pole & Barreraak's Old Beat Up Ring
32 Mask Of The Agent Provacateur
33 BMV Ararat Set - Figurehead, Bell, Anchor
34 Pier
35 Chaos & Order Banner - 12th year vet reward
36 Bright Blue Angel Box
37 Whispering rose Casio; AOS roses Rubbermaid, Tommy Hilfinger, Mastercard
38 trade quest books - 8 unique ones
39 Ruined Painting
40 Entire Set of the 17 Easter Plants - both variations (34 total)
41 Gems from Myxkion the Mysterious Stranger's Magical LockBox
42 Rubble Shells - two of them
43 War Fork - splintering 20/hitdispel 50/ hit fatigue 50/blood ele slayer/battle lust/mr6
44 Gender Change & Personal Attendant Tokens

Blaze Cu Sidhe Stats (untrained):
hits 535
stamina 83
mana 252
strength 602
dex 83
intel 252
physical resists 61%
fire 32
cold 83
poison 45
energy 72

Join us after the Auction for Darts downstairs – each bulls-eye is a 1m gold winner!

Thanks for coming,
Pandora & FusionCut
Red Cow Auction
Last edited:


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
bump - will be adding more items and firming up the docket order tonight


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
docket and blaze cu sidhe's stats updated on the original post - hope to see you saturday