Hi guyz, havnt been on as much, probably down to 10 hours a week not 40 hehe.
Just wanted to let my fellow OCEANIANs know what I benn up too
I've been building my own web site, (Im new to all this)
and yes Ive called it BLADEBARDs. after my UO char..
Its a selling web site, I import and sell guitars,
just putting out to any UO guitarists, a $50 discount on all guitars I sell.
I know this is sort of an advert, but it is sorta a UO related thread,, it is named after a UO char!!!
Id just like to let my fellow players know I havnt forgotten them and theres discount for Oceanians, $50
Only Oceanians, I dont know people on the other shards....
and yes This discount also goes out to the MODS,
bless their little hearts..
Just wanted to let my fellow OCEANIANs know what I benn up too
I've been building my own web site, (Im new to all this)
and yes Ive called it BLADEBARDs. after my UO char..
Its a selling web site, I import and sell guitars,
just putting out to any UO guitarists, a $50 discount on all guitars I sell.
I know this is sort of an advert, but it is sorta a UO related thread,, it is named after a UO char!!!
Id just like to let my fellow players know I havnt forgotten them and theres discount for Oceanians, $50
Only Oceanians, I dont know people on the other shards....
and yes This discount also goes out to the MODS,
bless their little hearts..