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Blackrock and mining


Wraith One

I'm not sure on the mining these days, but isn't mining up blackrock fairly uncommon. Aren't you suppose to get it maybe once or twice in an hour or so? Sort of a rough estimate of time required. My point being not often does it pop in your bag while you mine. Well, if that is the case, then could someone explain this one to me?

I found this while running around and I am quite shocked. Any ideas?


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Or, better yet, say the spell in the middle of the pile....


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I bet if you check the chests on the steps of that place they will have a several hundred thousand stones of weight in them......Every time i kill a script miner they usually have 20-30 blackrock in their packs.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Perhaps it's the DEV's way of trying to combat script miners??? Though it would work better if this stuff weighed like 50 stones each.... that would fill their packs up REAL fast..... slowing them down... though I'm sure they would just write up some script to drop the stuff on the ground then.... but you never know


Blackrock does not decay. That could be a collection started since the beginning when blackrock was first able to be mined. I have been dropping it on the inner court of a castle and it is still there. My collection is smaller but I only started dropping it there about a month ago since I did not want to waste any more lockdowns on it. There is no reason to believe that was all mined in one day.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
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Funny you should post that. I just dusted of my miner and spent two and a half hours mining.
I got One gem and no black rock. I burnt 20/ 200 charge shovels. Go figure.

Ya...! Makes me want to break someones knee caps.:cursing:

Phaen Grey

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There was also a glitch in a patch when this all began that had the small pieces spawning on the ground. Someone may have just emptied out their stores thinking it no longer had use.


UO Forum Moderator
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Forgive my ignorance but what good is blackrock?
it makes big boom when magic words are spoken and wounds the shadow lords also blows you up into pieces has great special effects :) that pile would be very very interesting to blow up and if I can find it thats what I will do :)


Crazed Zealot
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well, I guess we now know how the volcanic hole to the Abyss is going to open ...


it makes big boom when magic words are spoken and wounds the shadow lords also blows you up into pieces has great special effects :) that pile would be very very interesting to blow up and if I can find it thats what I will do :)
Yeah, I knew about those things. I just thought there was some other reason that people seemed to be so interested in it that I might have missed. Thank you though.


UO Forum Moderator
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Yeah, I knew about those things. I just thought there was some other reason that people seemed to be so interested in it that I might have missed. Thank you though.
nope nothing new that I am aware of !


nope nothing new that I am aware of !
I wish! I have tons of it in my house taking up lockdown spots. heh. Well, not tons. But hundreds at least. Not sure how much that is weight wise though. ;)


Ok Blackrock still spawns very often I find in the old valorite spots regardless of what ore is now there


Thats nothing compared to all the blackrock most of our miners have. We don't know what to do with them. Please give us a reason to regain our homes and banks back. We need a reason to use them or at least sell them.


Lore Keeper
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I had the worst luck with blackrock. I mined like 3-4X a week and i never mined a single piece. I found my blackrock on the floor by west brit bank.


Crazed Zealot
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I've been doing a lot more mining than usual lately (noticed I was starting to lose ground vs the growth in my BOD stockpile) and the amount of blackrock I've been finding has increased to almost one piece every trip.


UO Forum Moderator
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I've been doing a lot more mining than usual lately (noticed I was starting to lose ground vs the growth in my BOD stockpile) and the amount of blackrock I've been finding has increased to almost one piece every trip.
I have noticed same thing


I had a similar experience (to a lesser extent) several months ago. I picked a vendor rune at Luna and recalled. When I got there I was standing in a pile of small BlackRock, 32 pieces. Never could figure that out.The guy running the vendor probably made those runes recently. I usually mark my vendor runes minutes before I lay them down. My only answer is someone dropped them.

Bomb Bloke

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It's about the same rarity as the ML gems, but it's not stackable. So sooner or later, a dedicated miner is going to have to get rid of it one way or another.

It often gets used in events. Before Old Haven went boom people could turn the stuff in for potential (potential) artifacts or val runics. During the Moonglow rift event, it could be used to get the Cloak of Corruption.

Blackrock is the phlebotinum of the Ultima universe, so it'll never go entirely out of fashion.


It's about the same rarity as the ML gems, but it's not stackable. So sooner or later, a dedicated miner is going to have to get rid of it one way or another.

It often gets used in events. Before Old Haven went boom people could turn the stuff in for potential (potential) artifacts or val runics. During the Moonglow rift event, it could be used to get the Cloak of Corruption.

Blackrock is the phlebotinum of the Ultima universe, so it'll never go entirely out of fashion.
Why isn't it stackable? Has that ever been explained by the devs? I am just curious.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
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Blackrock is totally worthless.

If anyone is on atlantic I collect for RP purposes. please give me yours.
icq 149992929

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Why isn't it stackable? Has that ever been explained by the devs? I am just curious.
I don't think it's been mentioned, but think about it...

We're talking about a rock that has been key to getting certain artifacts and very powerful items in the game very very easily. The blackrock turn-ins have been lucrative, and odds are we'll have more in the future.

Imagine what would've happened if the stuff had been stackable. People would've be able to amass VAST quantities via script mining, EVEN WHEN the blackrock elementals were spawning.

As it stands, there is an "upper limit" to how much an account can hold. If the stuff stacked, you could hold up to 240,000 units and have it count as just four items (there are four types of the small blackrocks, each basically a black version of the small gems monsters drop). Imagine what the scripter's would've been able to pull under such a system.


Grand Poobah
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They should do a turn in NPC for it already. Someone had a great idea for a blackrock forge and anvil!

1 piece:
- mighty shovel/mighty pickaxe 500 uses, or;
- decorative black rock floor tiles (works like a square goza mat, looks like the shadow tile in the custom house kit)
3 pieces: miner's lantern, random color
5 pieces: +5 mining powerscroll
10 pieces: (faux) blackrock forge:
- Gives +5 mining (double click it like the flower basket which gives +10 cooking). Must have eating a PS to exceed the normal cap for the forge;

or anvil (your choice of which):

- Gives +5 smithing (double click it). Will exceed cap like ancient smithy hammer.

15 pieces: Mining powerscroll, +5 mining
20 pieces: blackrock statue of self (decorative, eyes shoot laser beams. Ok just kidding.)