FRIDAY,APRIL 15th, 2011...> Sosaria's Notorious Renegade Pirate "Cap'n Blackfoot" was spotted a short time ago burying treasure in some un-known location. So there is a call going out to all Sailors and Landlubbers alike, to man your ships for this , "The 2nd Annual" Blackfoot Blood Regatta" race. The Race will start at EXACTLY 9:00 PM. EST. All captains of their ships are to meet in Nu'jelm between 8:30 pm EST and 8:45 PM. EST. in order to register their ship and get the starting book and rules. This race is in Trammel and will take you to various spots in order to get clues as to where Blackfoot buried that "Booty" he robbed from both other Pirates and the Crown. Great prizes await the first 3 ships to make port and scurry the shoreline to claim the "dug-up" buried chest that hold all kinds of rewards.
Any questions can be sent to the Nidaros Mayor via ICq # 613919628 or contacted in game after 6:00 pm.
EXTRA NOTES: 1) There will be a PIRATE HUNT after the race for those that want to go after Pirates.
2) Mark your calenders now and Make plans now for the 1st ever "DREAD PIRATE RACE" sponsored by Nidaros. A minimum 5 mil. gold purse to the 1st place team plus lots of extras. 2nd and 3rd place winners will also be awarded a handsom purse for placing. Planned for FRIDAY the 13th, (a lucky day), 2011. Watch for exciting follow-up details as the lucky day gets here. You wouldn't want to miss this race.
Any type of ship for the "Blackfoot Race" can be used and no crews are necessary, but would help to have at least 1 crew member to hop on shore at each stopping point to grab the next locations clue.
JUDGE from Nidaros and DARIUS from Arsylan will be your host for the Blackfoot race.
We hope for a good turnout. Please pass the word. These races are open to all shards and all waters of Sosaria. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Any questions can be sent to the Nidaros Mayor via ICq # 613919628 or contacted in game after 6:00 pm.
EXTRA NOTES: 1) There will be a PIRATE HUNT after the race for those that want to go after Pirates.
2) Mark your calenders now and Make plans now for the 1st ever "DREAD PIRATE RACE" sponsored by Nidaros. A minimum 5 mil. gold purse to the 1st place team plus lots of extras. 2nd and 3rd place winners will also be awarded a handsom purse for placing. Planned for FRIDAY the 13th, (a lucky day), 2011. Watch for exciting follow-up details as the lucky day gets here. You wouldn't want to miss this race.
Any type of ship for the "Blackfoot Race" can be used and no crews are necessary, but would help to have at least 1 crew member to hop on shore at each stopping point to grab the next locations clue.
JUDGE from Nidaros and DARIUS from Arsylan will be your host for the Blackfoot race.
We hope for a good turnout. Please pass the word. These races are open to all shards and all waters of Sosaria. We look forward to seeing you all there.