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Black/White Legacy Seeds


Flora Green

Stock up on your black and white legacy seeds doing the naturalist quest. The fix is coming. :sad4:


  • Players completing the Naturalist quest should now get the correct type of seeds ( fire, white and black seeds)
  • Black and White seeds should only be peculiar plants
  • Fire Seeds should only be legacy plants plus the flowery cactus
  • Completing only 4 nests will continue to give the 4 rare colors on legacy plants only


Completing only 4 nests will continue to give the -> 4 rare colors <- on legacy plants only.

A new bug in the Solen quest? :eyes: I'm in.


It is disagreeable if Plane is contained.
>4 rare colors<

first of all

Publish 58 on TC1
Chrissay Zeeman11 Mar 2009 12:55:24
Publish -> 57 <- has gone live on TC1. Patch notes are available in the regular place.

Which shall be introduced between 57 and 58 now?

Rotgut Willy

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On a somewhat unrelated topic... this morning while tending my plants I accidentally turned not one.. but TWO plants decorative that were both producing mutant black seeds. Doh!

I should have had my coffee before I tried doing anything else.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Completing only 4 nests will continue to give the -> 4 rare colors <- on legacy plants only.

A new bug in the Solen quest? :eyes: I'm in.
Hah, I totally didn't catch that when I first read the notes.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yesterday a friend and I had black and white legacy poppies popping fron solen quest seeds. We planted them directly after completing the quest. I *think* we ran the quest post pub 58...