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[Selling] Big update...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello all. I have decided to make a huge update to my house via the addition of another floor and adding even more safes (think it's over 310 now). The safes are all populated and several items have already sold, but due to the 5 minute timer, they're not all priced/active yet. A lot of the items are 2020-2022 and older, as far back as 2011. Some cool stuff that may not come up for sale often so come check it out. I encourage you to check the 15 stocked vendors in the front too.

As always, if there is something for sale that you are interested but maybe it's been sitting for a while, the price is wrong or not lowest, inquire about bulk discounts, or you'd like to make an offer, please feel free to reach out to me on Discord: olcher (I don't check/reply to forum DMs)
I always give 5% discount off Buy It Now price for anything if purchased in person. Good bundle discounts and even better bulk discounts.

Teleporter is on the second floor center:
