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BF graffiti AKA neighborhood names...Who loves them?



I don't and it seems to have gotten worse lately.

With the demise of trial accounts should come clean up of neighborhood graffiti.

Are we going to have to wait months for this? I hope not!

DEVS please!! I know there won't be any updates for the productions cities while working on EA Land but please, please, please close out those free trial accounts in the production cities. The map spam is not a good first impression for new paying customers!


They already have, free trials only get 1 sim and it has to be in TC3.


They may have limited the free trials to TC3 but obvously they didn't eliminate them from production cities.

If you check into of the lots within graffiti hoods you'll see they are single owner with no skills and most are named like "kffdsk". And obviously just being used to clutter up the city view.

We need this cleaned up sooner than later IMHO.


Yesterday my son downloaded the free trial and it gives him options to create in TC3 and all the other cities.


1.) This is why the report button is on our User Interface. Please report the crude names.

2.) With the move to EA Land, on track for the New Year, and if the experiences of TC in their move to TC3 continues to hold true, all those neighborhood names will be gone, shortly, along with defunct trial account properties. So this too, shall pass.

3.) Perhaps anyone that has suggestions for how to improve the way neighborhoods work, could start a page on the Wiki about it. Or post it here, and I can transfer it to the Wiki for you.


Shirl, the trial accounts aren't going to be contained to TC3 until tonight, supposedly.

imported_Dali Dalinza

I'm enjoying the naked TC map...it makes me want to freeze time.


I don't know, I do like the idea of having neighborhoods, but I think they could go about a little differently. I wish they served more of a purpose than displaying large sour-plum-colored text. But, alas, I'm a proud Wiki-Dunce.


I would be very happy with all maps being naked after years of looking at mafia graffiti.



I would be very happy with all maps being naked after years of looking at mafia graffiti.

[/ QUOTE ]

Naked sounds good to me. The cities, I mean.



Maybe we'll all luck out in the merge and lose all the hoods like TC did.

PB Three

(I have to reference Bindy's sig here: My opinions will conflict with others quite often.)

I think that neighborhoods should be kept in, that's how I remember it being and I think it should stay that way. I'm not the Mafia type of person, not by a long shot, but I think that neighborhoods do more good/irrelevent than bad.

Ah yes, Paradise Island... the most important neighborhood to me by far. I should probably move back there and try to revive it. Paradise Isle (along with CodeSkill Casino) holds probably my fondest memory: meeting Dali and Bindy. I would be thoroughly annoyed if they removed neighborhoods entirely. Long live Paradise Island!

(I won't be offering anything to those who would move there, if I did: it wouldn't be truely "Reviving".)

I'll tell Ryan Solomon that I have to be part reviver of Paradise Island, not just a member of The Kingdom of Chatsworth.... Hmmm... I'm starting to second guess myself on the Kingdom, Ryan is trying to bribe people to move to it. I wasn't expecting him to do this.

EDIT: Again, I don't like the Mafia neighborhoods, but I don't think that should stop us reasonable people from having neighborhoods, too.

PB Three



They may have limited the free trials to TC3 but obvously they didn't eliminate them from production cities.

We need this cleaned up sooner than later IMHO.

[/ QUOTE ]

Would you rather have the deveopers back trackand fix a problem with production cities that has been lived with for years, or continue to make progress with EA Land?

The Dev's know there is a never-ending list of problems to fix and things to tweak in the game, but I don't think that we should be constantly reminding them, "IMHO".


I find having the neighborhood names tends to cover up other properties.
I like TC's clean view too.




They may have limited the free trials to TC3 but obvously they didn't eliminate them from production cities.

We need this cleaned up sooner than later IMHO.

[/ QUOTE ]

Would you rather have the deveopers back trackand fix a problem with production cities that has been lived with for years, or continue to make progress with EA Land?

The Dev's know there is a never-ending list of problems to fix and things to tweak in the game, but I don't think that we should be constantly reminding them, "IMHO".

[/ QUOTE ]

but this time with trials limited to TC3 they csn't come back and spread the filth again, the cities would remain cleaner by far.