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Beta client won't log me in


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I am unable to get pass the logon screen at this moment.

The Beta Client is on my firewall's exception list so it is not being blocked.
My Client verison is
I am able to logon 2d client fine using my user name and password

Every time I enter my user name and password and attempt to login I get the error message that either I have Inactive account/wrong name or pass/client not current.

I have tried everything.... I even reinstalled the client

Have anyone run into this issue and found a solution?

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Alt-Tab out of the beta client and make sure your firewall program has not popped up with a gump asking if you want to block the beta client program.

Every time you get a patch, there is an excellent possibility your firewall will once again block the program. In other words, you may have given your firewall program the okay for the client to run right after you installed it, but you will need to do so again after patching. Once you've patched, the client may have gone into full screen mode and you may not be seeing the Windows taskbar and know that your firewall program is blocking the client from logging you in.


Lore Master
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I ran the client multiple times and firewall never attempted to lock it and the client is not running in full screen so I would know if it tried.

I always already remove exception list and added both patcher and client multiple time.


Lore Master
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I really want to try the new client out. I have tried everything I can think of but I just can not login on the new client.

It doesn't really make sense that I log onto 2d but not the new Client.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Right click on UO icon on the desktop and select Properties.
Click the Tab 'Compatability'
then tick the boxes for :-
-Run this program in compatability mode for 'windows XP service pack 2
-Run this program as administrator

Click OK then double click the icon again, and it should download the rest of the files you maybe missing, if this dont work you'll have to send in a ticket to Customer services.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Running windows XP service pack 3 at the moment....

I patched just fine, the client version is now


Crazed Zealot
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Sorry i thought you were running Vista.

Now you are meaning Beta Client wont work and not 2d Beta content?


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend

I keep getting this message when I attempt to login on the beta client and yet I can login to the 2d client using the same user name and password without a problem.

I am really at a lost really..... I even ran KR previously without this type of issue

I even went as far as turning off my firewall and antivirus program and I still get the same error


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I've searched thru a few stratics threads now and while a few people have had the same problem as you, none have replied if they got it sorted or not.
All i can suggest is that you send in a ticket to customer services.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Something tells me that your account name is not typed right.

Just click in the space of the account name and press the back key till you sure its all clear and retype your account name.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I already tried putting my account name in the usersetting.xml file so I don't think it would be the issue


Playing with that xml file may be your issue. Try deleting it.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why on earth would you be messing with the program files?
Just put your name and password in the boxes supplied and everything works fine. I agree with other that posted, you messed your files up so it wont work now.
Back-up before messing with ANY file.
Dont know if customer services will be able to help either as they dont like players messing with files.


Founder, Citadel Studios
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Have you tried reinstalling the SA Beta client? Alternatively you could delete the mft.myp file in your installed folder. This will force the patcher to do a complete file check the next time its run.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Editing the xml file was not the cause but just to check that off the list it was deleted and the issue continues.

I have reinstalled the client multiple times and it does not resolve the issue

I deleted the mft.myp file. The patcher did not find any missing files and I will can not login


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Just curious so I am going to ask two questions,

1) Are you authorized for all Expansions? (some possible glitch in authorized expansion on the client side)

2) Is U.S. English your Computers Native Language? (some possible glitch with the code page on the client side)


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Just curious so I am going to ask two questions,

1) Are you authorized for all Expansions?

2) Is U.S. English your Computers Native Language?

1) Since they just released all game content up to ML for all accounts it should not matter but yes the account has registration up to ML

2) Yes, The computer is installed with English version of XP and it is set to English


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
1) Since they just released all game content up to ML for all accounts it should not matter but yes the account has registration up to ML

2) Yes, The computer is installed with English version of XP and it is set to English
Here is the problem as I see it.

Your defining 100% success with the existing UO 2D client and I think your saying 100% success with the UOKR client.

You are defining 100% failure with the SA Client.

Major categories for how this can happen

1) UserID and Password are wrong. (Spaces, Caseing etc.)

2) SA Client reads/treats your Keyboard differently from the UO/UOKR clients

3) SA Client can not connect to the Login Servers in a way that allows a successful authentication transaction. This could include some unknown means for data corruption on any one of or all components of the authentication data.

4) The error your getting is 100% misleading and there is really some other issue causing the problem.

Now this is just my opinion, but one might not want to treat suggestions or request for information as anything other than an attempt to box the problem, assuming that a thing is and replying as though it is fact may very well work against your goal.

What I can assure you of is this, neither of my computers / accounts have this issue and I believe a number of people trying to help in this thread are saying the same thing. It is really just a matter of finding out what is different about your computer system.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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NGB, when I get to the SA log-in screen, I see this Build Number in the bottom right corner: Your original post seems to say you are seeing If yes, when was the last time the patcher updated your client?


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
NGB, when I get to the SA log-in screen, I see this Build Number in the bottom right corner: Your original post seems to say you are seeing If yes, when was the last time the patcher updated your client?
The original post was made prior to the recent patch.

My current client version is

zared of napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did you install client into its own directory. I have heard of this happeneing The person installed the New client into a existing Kr directory forcing it for some reason to connect to the wrong gameplay server.

You also might have a graphical glitch Erase your user name Then hit the delete key 6 more times after that and retype user name
Hit tab key after u enter user name(do not mouse to password box, tab to it
Type password then mouse down to login and click on it. Do not hit enter at all.
If a graphical glitch is in fact the problem then following theses instructions will work ;)


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I have uninstalled KR for a long time now. I installed the beta client in its own directory.

The tab to password solution did not work.....


Lore Master
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I created a new account just to test if it is an account issue and sure enough I was able to login on the new account on 2d and Beta client.

I do not know why my original account would have a problem. The only think I can think of is that my account is really old and somehow the new Beta client is not finding the account for validation when I try to login.

I mean my account is as old as the game itself. I used the same user name and password to login to 2d, KR and account management without any issue. Since I am able login on other client/website using account validation I would have to conclude that Beta client's login validation has some flaw in it.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Just a couple of questions to clarify some things.

Ok, you created a second account.

When you logged in with the second account, were you using the same SA Installation as you were when trying to log in with the Old Account?

If not (I assume you did) then have you tried to use the old Account Name / PassWord?

Would you consider changing the Old Account ID and PassWord just to see if it is some strange filter thing?

Now that you have successfully logged in, you have narrowed down the are the problem can exist in. As a generalization it is one or more of the Authentication components, Account, Account ID, Account PassWord, SA Client, Login Server.

The last two are beyond your ability to influence. Quite Frankly, in my opinion, all the information suggest the last two are not the problem ... directly. The problem is more likely to be with your Account ID and PassWord, followed by your Account.

One might ask a dumb question has that account ever been suspended or had any marks against it? I am just kind of fishing here and seem to remember some issue with the Beta Program and people that had marks, flags etc on their account.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I used the same beta client for both new and existing account testing.

I already changed the password for my existing account and it still does not help at all which lead me to believe that Beta client can not find my account for some reason.

I do not think changing account name is possible through account management website.

I was temp banned for 24 hours back like 8-10 years ago for being mad at a gm cause I lost my invul war axe to someone usnig exploit but I doubt that would be the reason since I got in KR beta testing just fine.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was temp banned for 24 hours back like 8-10 years ago for being mad at a gm cause I lost my invul war axe to someone usnig exploit but I doubt that would be the reason since I got in KR beta testing just fine.
*Shrug* As I said, I am just fishing trying to come to something that may narrow the area down a bit more.

Drawing two Camps

One can assume the SA Client/Login Server are working properly, this leaves your Account, AccountID and PassWord as being the area.

One can assume the Account, AccountID and Password are correct leaving the SA Client/Login Server as the area.

One might assume that if there is a dysfunction in the Client/Login Server then one might wonder why there are not more reported issues of this problem to the exaggeration of why have any of us been able to log in.

If one assumes the Account is ok, then the AccountID and PassWord are the area and about the only thing that could be wrong is Proper Casing, special characters etc.

If one assumes the AccountID and PassWord are ok, then .... well all bets are off as anything could be quirky about the account but the presence of a flag/mark is as good a possibility as any I can come up with. As I said, I do remember there was some noise made over allowing sanctioned accounts into the Beta. This is not me saying that is the problem, just me saying it is as good an explanation as any given the existing information.

The fact that you can Log In with the new account pretty well rules out any physical/mechanical/Software problem as all of them are used in common with both account log ins.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I can understand that for the actual SA beta testing but the beta client is now in open beta and according to the beta client release "any" active account will be able to login.

Plus don't they remove old mark against against after so long?

I verified with customer support about my account and as far as they can tell, they do not see any reason why I could not login to the beta client.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can understand that for the actual SA beta testing but the beta client is now in open beta and according to the beta client release "any" active account will be able to login.

Plus don't they remove old mark against against after so long?

I verified with customer support about my account and as far as they can tell, they do not see any reason why I could not login to the beta client.
*Shrug* This is just one of those Nightmare scenarios as everywhere you look you find a No.

Or in short, One can not find any thing wrong but the reality is you can not log on with one account but can with another account.


We'd like to look into this further. NBG, Would it be possible for you to PM me your account name?


Slightly Crazed
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Test it futher, create a VM, install, log in, see if that works.

To be honest, I didn't read it all, maybe you already tried logging in on another comp


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
After a week of sending messages with extra info to Chrissay. I got the final message that they can not find what is wrong with my account on their end.

I got bored today and tried to login again and then I noticed that while the new beta client enforces 16 character max password length, the Account management site and 2d client is able to handle 17+ characters as password.

My old password was 17 characters long. I changed it to 16 characters and now I am able to login on beta client.

When you change your password on account management page, it does state 4-16 characters but if you enter 17+ characters as password it will take it. Maybe do a password length count in the set password process to catch this?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow! Glad you were able to figure that out.
I hope Chrissay sees this and gets them to investigate their password managment.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
jesus christ that is a long password
eh you can never be too careful if you ask me.....

It is just really funny that account management does not check password length when it is created/changed. Further more, 2d client, account management website and KR will handle the password length beyond 16 characters.

I wrote a program that keeps track of all my passwords and they are encrypted in a file. When I need it, my program will decrypt it and copy into clipboard when I select it in the UI. I then paste it into my account. The program change my password then reminds me to update every so often.

The original password was 17 characters long when I first started using the program so it just stayed at 17 characters long....