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Bestest PvP tamer muont


Stratics Veteran
Good morning Barney, I dare not talk to in depth about the power of it as my PvP tamer friends would be most unhappy if I merited their pets and specs a nerf... lol.. but you will find that the old school pre pub 2 slot mares do very well, with a lot of builds right now.. they are about the only pets I would ever suggest using mage mastery on, and only for PvP reason... if you like message me and I will share a few PvP tamer builds and how they combo with their pets.. but as I said before I dare not openly post to much data about the better combos and builds for it .. ^_~


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yay! Fanks! I do haef access to an ancient mare. I haef read that the magery mastery on nightmare and serp dragons is good. Is it worth the 120 magery scroll though? Also, I wonder if it ok to spec AI or other stuff or even an AOE attack...