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Best mob for item loot?

Leira of Asrai

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Say I'm wearing my high luck suit and want to get great item loot, which mob should I farm?

Since luck doesn't guarantee every item will have bumped mods, finding a mob that drops numerous items is best, right? Do mobs with higher Fame ranking give better loot?

I have hunted Blood Ele's a lot, and Swoop does give a chance for ML arties+suit pieces, but what have you had the best results with?

wee papa smurf

Pretty much what you have been hunting, i found some amazing jewells on swoop, dont really know of any other mob that gives as good loot as swoop?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
At present day UO iam afraid Luck as no bearing on loot success...maybe in SA luck will make a difference..untill then...stick with high resist/mod suits and u wil stay alive longer and just have the same chance of high loot drops with no luck at all.


At present day UO iam afraid Luck as no bearing on loot success...
At the present time I'm afraid you have no idea what you're talking about, and should refrain from giving bad information in the future.

To answer the OP-

Swoop is pretty much your best bet. I've had my best luck there with right at 1000 luck. It seems if you go over or under by too much of a margin, luck goes down the crapper. I'm guessing it has something to do with the issues with luck that they're working on. If you have Disco, use it. If you don't, then this would be a great time to start working on it. Disco makes Swoop easy pickings.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He's wrong about luck not having a bearing on loot drops.

I mean its so wrong I can't express it with words.

We've killed 100s of thousands of mobs. I'll say this though, the luck stone may not be working correctly. But, actual luck from your suit works on any monster, even an earth elemental may drop a 20 lrc item.

The best drops I've ever had with luck come from Miasma, but only a fool will solo Miasma in a bad luck suit.

Ender taught me that meleeing Miasma is the way to go. It sounds crazy, but its so much faster IF you can do it. 95 out of 100 Miasma's suck btw. But, about 5 in 100 are INSANE mobs. They will repeatedly mortal strike & poison you.

We get so much loot there we don't even pick up most of the level 6 treasure chests there. My family just gets the pretty colored ones, but anyway there's no question that you get more arties and better items with higher luck.

400 luck will work pretty well btw, but 1000 is most definitely going to give you better things.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Gauntlet mobs can drop some nice pieces every now and then, plus the obvious chance of an Arty drop.

Old Man of UO

At present day UO iam afraid Luck as no bearing on loot success...maybe in SA luck will make a difference..untill then...stick with high resist/mod suits and u wil stay alive longer and just have the same chance of high loot drops with no luck at all.
You have posted the same thing about luck more than once, but like the others have said, this is absolutely wrong. It's pretty easy to see the difference in the item mods that the Luck Statue has on miasma drops, succubi drops, and other high end critters. And you can see the effect when it wears off.

It also affects how fast the virtue items drop in the virtue dungeons. There is no reason that it doesn't also affect the TOT drops.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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You have posted the same thing about luck more than once, but like the others have said, this is absolutely wrong. It's pretty easy to see the difference in the item mods that the Luck Statue has on miasma drops, succubi drops, and other high end critters. And you can see the effect when it wears off.

It also affects how fast the virtue items drop in the virtue dungeons. There is no reason that it doesn't also affect the TOT drops.
I agree. Luck is great. Keep at it. Typically any of your high end mobs will have decent items from time to time. You need to remember that luck rolls also effect things like "how much loot you get" "how much gold you get" not always in intensity of items.

Also keep in mind that the more and more "awesome" items we have... the less and less we find that is "awesome". So while 3 years ago you would have WOWED over some item now you look at the same thing and go... UGH this loot stinks!...

Just an FYI.


I think it’s broken though. Not in the actual code, but in all the thousands of loot table definitions. A huge portion of them don’t even allow players to have more than one item from a loot definition, negating the entire point of luck! That’s not even beginning to cover the actual intensity range definitions. I’m willing to bet that the loot tables themselves are the ultimate cause of luck not working properly, and need to be reviewed.
People are taking that statment two differant ways:

1. It is completly broken.

2. MOST of it is broken. SOME monster loot tables are fine, thus being affected by luck. (What monsters? Who knows!)

Wish I knew for certain which one....

Old Man of UO

People are taking that statment two differant ways:

1. It is completly broken.

2. MOST of it is broken. SOME monster loot tables are fine, thus being affected by luck. (What monsters? Who knows!)

Wish I knew for certain which one....
Well, Luck on your suit does make a difference and you can see it in the ALL monstoer drops. Luck from the Luck Statue also makes a difference.

Luck from bushido honoring is broken... I can see no difference at all.

So, it is broken, but not completely broken.


Well, Luck on your suit does make a difference and you can see it in the ALL monstoer drops. Luck from the Luck Statue also makes a difference.

I think it’s broken though. Not in the actual code, but in all the thousands of loot table definitions. A huge portion of them don’t even allow players to have more than one item from a loot definition, negating the entire point of luck! That’s not even beginning to cover the actual intensity range definitions. I’m willing to bet that the loot tables themselves are the ultimate cause of luck not working properly, and need to be reviewed.
Sounds like two different answers to me. No offence, but it is hard to believe anything. Unless from the GMs finger.


Sounds like two different answers to me. No offence, but it is hard to believe anything. Unless from the GMs finger.
Let us remember that sometimes the answers to the questions are not clear. :p (Heck sometimes it seems to be answering a different question) But from a coding aspect what old man said and what Draconi said can be completely the same thing, just because it is "broken" does not mean it does not work at all, the loot tables affecting it does not mean "some monsters" it just means "not as intended" so...while there is a noticeable difference in loot no matter what you are fighting, the intended version of it would be better(?) I guess it could be worse...depends on what "broken" consists of.

If you need a good example of Draconi answering a question, but going off a bit just look at this weeks FoF where he answers about the Titling on the paper doll. It is not the best example because he seems to answer it, by saying he does not think SA will handle it differently (altho I am not sure if this answers the question or not...I am pretty sure he could just get on the client, set champ title and look at the paper doll and get the answer :p) But he does go off talking about something else not asked. lol I can not really think of any good examples of what I mean but this one is good enough since it was recent I can remember it. :p

Old Man of UO

... Sounds like two different answers to me. No offence, but it is hard to believe anything. Unless from the GMs finger.
What C&D said is a pretty good answer.

What I was referring to, if I rub a Luck Statue, I get +750 luck and can see a major difference in loot drops from miasma. You don't get the luck boost every drop, but more than half of the drops.

Bushido honor is supposed to give +1,000 luck on perfection. I notice no difference in the loot drops. Honor/perfection should give better results than a Luck Statue, but it doesn't.

Chrissay (I think) addressed the bushido honor/luck thing a few months back. First she said it was broken... then she said it was working. Even the Developers are confused on this one.

My suggestion - go try it for yourself, see what you believe then post your test results.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think it’s broken though. Not in the actual code, but in all the thousands of loot table definitions. A huge portion of them don’t even allow players to have more than one item from a loot definition, negating the entire point of luck! That’s not even beginning to cover the actual intensity range definitions. I’m willing to bet that the loot tables themselves are the ultimate cause of luck not working properly, and need to be reviewed.

I have seen good loot in a luck suit and out of a luck suit. Its all about the RNG.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry folks for me im sticking with draconi..and luck is not working as it should.

Ive tried with a 1200 luck suit versus 0 and i did not see any clear better loot in any similar mob i tried...

Hey u guys stick with it..stick with ya luck suits...hell wear ya lucky pants for real and get out of ya lucky side of bed in real..to have a good luck day!! and hey keep that lucky pendant/charm next to your computer while u play UO.. it all helps!!!!

Foolio the Bard

If you read the full explanation, the problem is that MOST of the loot tables don't allow for luck to boost the item/intensities. There is a cap. Therefore, luck will help very little on monsters that have a narrow range of possible loot.

But monsters that have a higher range of intensities/quantitys available, luck will definitely help. These monsters are mostly the hardest monsters in the game (ML named monsters, Doom gauntlet, Peerless, etc).


I have to disagree - I reckon wearing a luck suit imparts better odds of high intensity loot from a mob; well champs anyway, I've managed to do a lot of champ spawns and I have seen the difference in loot from no luck and 2500+ luck. The difference mainly being 3-4 items that are useable to 0-1 without any luck (regardless of irl luck).


Sorry folks for me im sticking with draconi..and luck is not working as it should.

Ive tried with a 1200 luck suit versus 0 and i did not see any clear better loot in any similar mob i tried...

Hey u guys stick with it..stick with ya luck suits...hell wear ya lucky pants for real and get out of ya lucky side of bed in real..to have a good luck day!! and hey keep that lucky pendant/charm next to your computer while u play UO.. it all helps!!!!
"Not working as it should" does not mean "not working" but unlike other people here I wont bother arguing with someone when it is painfully obvious they will never understand the difference between, not working and not as intended.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ohhh please....whatever!!!! Hey dont stand on cracks in the pavement either-that will bring BAD luck!!


Ohhh please....whatever!!!! Hey dont stand on cracks in the pavement either-that will bring BAD luck!!
At least others are providing examples and dev-comments so support their belief rather than making a blanket assumption and providing no evidence to back it up.

I do see definite benefits to using luck - both in arty drops and in regular loot drops.

Is it working as intended? Per Draconi, No... but also per Draconi, it is working and there are benefits.


Ohhh please....whatever!!!! Hey dont stand on cracks in the pavement either-that will bring BAD luck!!

I have tested this out myself......i dont know what to think. Most monsters: I dont see a difference in Luck. However, I have seen a difference in ML monsters mostly and most peerless i see the effect of luck. Never seen it in Doom. Not on Blood Ele, Balrons, etc. Least on my shard. IDK!!
This thread is just going to confuse us all..hahahaha.

This thread is pointless now...lol

And it has gotten off topic a bit too..lol


I think it’s broken though. Not in the actual code, but in all the thousands of loot table definitions. A huge portion of them don’t even allow players to have more than one item from a loot definition, negating the entire point of luck! That’s not even beginning to cover the actual intensity range definitions. I’m willing to bet that the loot tables themselves are the ultimate cause of luck not working properly, and need to be reviewed.
Can we get a dev (draconi?) to update/fix mob loot tables before or by the time SA comes out? Not every single mob like lizardmen (low end)but the high end creatures like:

Elementals, nightmares, all dragon kinds, sphynx, high end demons, Oni, beetles, hyrus, cu sidhes, high end undead....


Can we get a dev (draconi?) to update/fix mob loot tables before or by the time SA comes out? Not every single mob like lizardmen (low end)but the high end creatures like:

Elementals, nightmares, all dragon kinds, sphynx, high end demons, Oni, beetles, hyrus, cu sidhes, high end undead....
As i was drinking my morning coffee, these were my exact thoughts too.


Can we get a dev (draconi?) to update/fix mob loot tables before or by the time SA comes out? Not every single mob like lizardmen (low end)but the high end creatures like:

Elementals, nightmares, all dragon kinds, sphynx, high end demons, Oni, beetles, hyrus, cu sidhes, high end undead....
You are assuming those loot tables are broken tho, perhaps those ones work as intended? lol

In either case they have been looking into the loot tables for some time now (since that fof or maybe even before that FoF I am not 100% sure when) Either case can't say it will be done by the time SA releases, since most of their efforts have been focused on the actual SA stuff, but they have been fixing things bit by bit so who knows.


The spiders out in the swamp area there in swoop land (twisted weald)is by far the best loot/gold over time. It is very hazardous but once other spawn is out of target range you can kill them over and over and they have a very fast re spawning time. Sabrix and Lissith are the spiders names there. Cu works well GD if you want to to easy. High Luck all the way here too. Insure everything. gl

Old Man of UO

Ohhh please....whatever!!!! Hey dont stand on cracks in the pavement either-that will bring BAD luck!!

THP means:
No matter what you say,
I won't listen to you!"



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He's wrong about luck not having a bearing on loot drops.

I mean its so wrong I can't express it with words.

We've killed 100s of thousands of mobs. I'll say this though, the luck stone may not be working correctly. But, actual luck from your suit works on any monster, even an earth elemental may drop a 20 lrc item.

The best drops I've ever had with luck come from Miasma, but only a fool will solo Miasma in a bad luck suit.

Ender taught me that meleeing Miasma is the way to go. It sounds crazy, but its so much faster IF you can do it. 95 out of 100 Miasma's suck btw. But, about 5 in 100 are INSANE mobs. They will repeatedly mortal strike & poison you.

We get so much loot there we don't even pick up most of the level 6 treasure chests there. My family just gets the pretty colored ones, but anyway there's no question that you get more arties and better items with higher luck.

400 luck will work pretty well btw, but 1000 is most definitely going to give you better things.
I did no such thing. Although it is the main way I try (and fail) to get decent loot.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Luck definitely enhances loot drops. When I was farming Sicarii last year, the difference between no luck and 1,400 or something was readily apparent. Remember Luck has a chance to do 3 separate things to every item dropped:

1) It can add 1 new property (so from 4 to 5 properties)
2) It can bump the intensity of one property (so from 80 to 100 luck)
3) It can add 1 magic item to the corpse

So when you are farming monsters and get a terrific item with no luck, you are missing out because it could have been even more spectacular. It could mean the difference between a 1/2 and a 1/3 ring.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since Tokuno began again, I've been farming Tsuki wolves, a few days with a Sorceror's suit no luck and then a 1100 luck outfit for just a couple days. I can definitely see the difference. A lot more 5 property items, a couple pieces of jewelry(3/1 and another one with 38 in skill points), a couple super slayer weapons and some decent enhanceable pieces of armor with the suit, and no keepers without it.