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Best mob for item loot? continued...

Leira of Asrai

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So the majority of players will agree that character luck affects loot drops. Whether this is based on actual playing experience or by confirmation from the Devs. To quote Draconi:

Luck, in this way, can affect:

  • Number of items
  • Number of properties on items
  • Intensity of properties
A “luck roll” is defined as a roll against a chance of 1:100.

Before this roll is done, your luck is modified to fit that scale, so your luck directly converts to a percentage of chance that your luck will modify the loot.
The formula is: chance = round(luck ^ (5/9)). Results are rounded to the nearest whole number.
Luck Chance
0 0%
100 13%
200 19%
300 24%
400 28%
500 32%
600 35%
700 38%
800 41%
900 44%
1000 46%
1100 49%
1200 51%
1300 54%
1400 56%
1500 58%
And so on
At lower levels even a couple hundred luck makes a huge difference; 13% at 100 luck and 24% at 300. At higher levels however, the increase slows dramatically to only about 1% additional chance for every 50 luck.

You have about a 50% chance to make a luck roll with 1150 luck. So when putting together a suit, it's best to try for the even hundreds and not spend all that money on a jewelry set that only raises your luck by another 20-30 points.

But what kind of results can you expect? Again quoting Draconi:
Number of Items

Within each loot definition for the monster, there are a total number of items that it can potentially create. This is random, ranging from one to the max number available.
The luck roll can add one more item to each definition, if that number doesn’t exceed the max.
So it's best to find mobs that have a high number of item drop potential. What mobs drop the most items? It may be safe to say that higher famed monsters have a larger item drop potential. However, I find that Daemons only drop a couple items and Blood ele's drop 3-4. Are there any mobs that drop more?

Number of Item Properties

The same thing described above works exactly the same for the number of properties on an item.
So a 2 property item has a chance to increase to a 3 property item, based on your luck %.

Item Property Intensities

Finally, the luck roll also modifies the actual intensity of any magic property, as long as it doesn’t exceed the property’s max...

...If we make our luck roll, our intensity is increased by 10% of the *item property’s max value*.
So character luck does have an affect on monster loot, albeit a subtle influence. A low fame monster may only have potential of dropping 1 item. If you make the luck roll you will get 2 items. Fighting high fame monsters, which already have potential of dropping good loot will be your best targets because you have a greater chance of finding a bumped item.

The luck influence is minor, which is why many players might not see a difference. If you farm a monster and compare loot from 50-100 kills at different luck levels you will see a difference in a couple of items.

The thing to keep in mind is that having massive luck will not yeild artifact quality loot on every kill. But with patience, the items you loot with high luck, combined with precision adjustments through imbuing and finally current material bonus enhancing can result in some pretty nice stuff.

So what kind of monsters have you found to drop the most number of items and with the highest range of intensities? (based on 0 luck)

Foolio the Bard

A low fame monster may only have potential of dropping 1 item. If you make the luck roll you will get 2 items.
Yes, luck does work. And you make some good observations in your post. However, the part quoted above is incorrect according to Draconi (and it seems it is the reason he says it is "broken").

If the Low Fame monster has a potential of dropping only one item in its loot table, and you kill it and its loot roll gives you one item and then you win the luck roll, you will still only get one item because of the cap.

Quoting Draconi:
Within each loot definition for the monster, there are a total number of items that it can potentially create. This is random, ranging from one to the max number available.
The luck roll can add one more item to each definition, if that number doesn’t exceed the max.
The same thing happens with intensities he says. There is a cap, and if you get the max intensity and then you win the luck roll, you will get nothing extra for winning the luck roll -- because of the cap.

This is why high fame monsters give you the real benefits from luck -- because their cap is much higher. Their potential range is higher, so luck rolls that you win will almost always result in extra items/intensities.

That is why it has been stated many times that the best way to "fix" luck is to change the loot tables. Or make it so luck CAN add items/intensities beyond the cap.

Leira of Asrai

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is a cap, and if you get the max intensity and then you win the luck roll, you will get nothing extra for winning the luck roll -- because of the cap.
You are correct about the cap. The answer then is to fight the monsters that drop the most items with the largest range of intensities.

So which monsters are they? I know Blood ele's, Swood and Miasma are good. Does anybody have any other suggestions?

Foolio the Bard

So which monsters are they? I know Blood ele's, Swood and Miasma are good. Does anybody have any other suggestions?
You are right on.
All the ML named monsters (like Swoop you said), the Doom mini-bosses and DarkFather, the Champ Spawn champions, the Peerless of course.

IMHO below those listed above are Blood Eles, White Wyrms, Greater Dragons, Balrons, Succubi, Rotting Corpses, Ancient Wyrms.

Anyone else?


You guys seem to have it pretty much covered, Maybe Ancient Liches?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All my good loot comes from Onis and Yamadons. Balrons aint bad either.

my 2 cents


gotten some nice jewelry from rune beetles with my luck toon