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Best loot items?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see all these great weapons and jewelry people have, but I never seem to find them as loot.

Which monsters do you think have the best loot?


I think most of the good stuff is coming from the Dark Father and then enhanced (unless it's jewelry).

uo addict

I got a ring from a dragon that's artie grade. SDI 11, FC1, LMC 7, LRC 16


Quests that give the strongbox loot.

Best loot. I have a ring that's 1/3 13 HCI, 7 Int, 18 LRC from one.

I also have a bow from a lady mel that's got 50 Damage, 30 SSI (enhanced to 40), 48 Fireball, 48 Mana Leech (30 after the Mana Leech change).

Ezekiel Zane

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The best loot can be found on Fame level 5 monsters, level 5 and level 6 treasure chests, Doom bosses, Dark Fathers, Peerless bosses, Swoop and some strongbox quests.

Getting some luck on your suit gives you a chance of bumping up the mods and properties on loot.


Champ spawns drop nice items now, and then the strong box quests drop some nice items too. Other then that the rest are just luck.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When you said Lev 5 and Lev 6 chests I nearly did the customary "spit my Mt dew all over my keyboard" gimmick...where are you getting YOUR chests? Because mine have had crappy loot since, well, forever...

Ezekiel Zane

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's been quite a while since I played my T-Hunter. I have read some posts that treasure chest loot needs a boost. I remember when level 6 chests first came out, players where pulling some really nice items from those.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Getting some luck on your suit gives you a chance of bumping up the mods and properties on loot.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah but everything still bows to the all mighty RNG. I still get better items on my dexxer or tamer when they have 1-200 luck versus the 1700+ luck suit. Go figure.


The best weapon in all of uo actually was looted from a Neria PRE loot upgrades.



The best weapon in all of uo actually was looted from a Neria PRE loot upgrades.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, why don't you show us the "best weapon" and let us be the judge of that!


Treasure chests are well worth trying though - I have a 79 resist floppy hat from a level 3 chest!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

The best weapon in all of uo actually was looted from a Neria PRE loot upgrades.

[/ QUOTE ]Yep. Show it. Not that I doubt you, but.....OK yeah. I doubt you. The best weapons in the game are crafted; not looted. You can't loot a weapon with 7 properties, but you can defintely craft one.




The best weapon in all of uo actually was looted from a Neria PRE loot upgrades.

[/ QUOTE ]Yep. Show it. Not that I doubt you, but.....OK yeah. I doubt you. The best weapons in the game are crafted; not looted. You can't loot a weapon with 7 properties, but you can defintely craft one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless it's a cleaver. Can't craft those with runic hammers.


Depends on what type of char your gonna use the Wep/Armor/Jewelry on. Like on my Samurai/Swordsman, i like Stamina Leech, considering he has 0.0 Real Chiv so he can't use Divine Fury, and i don't carry around tons of Total Refresh Pots. I would rather have Hit Lower Attack property on a weapon instead of Hit Lower Defense, considering the Mace &amp; Shield Reading Glasses give HLD, and that HLA can help prevent you from being Disarmed.

Some of the best loot i've ever gotten has either been from the early Empty Bottle Quest at Heartwood (Now gives crappy loot), from a Strongbox, or Lady Mel when i switch to a Luck Suit just before she dies when on my Archer, for a total of 2748 Luck with Honor and 10th Anniversary Sculpture.

From the Empty Bottle Quest, i had gotten a Ring with FC 1/FCR 3/11% SDI/18% LRC/8% LMC, unfortunately i traded it for a Rune to a damn good Frostwood Tree and 5 Mill, hindsight is a pancake.

From the Strongbox Quest i have gotten both of my Necro/Mage's Jewelry, a Ring with +11 Necro/FC 1/FCR 3/17% LRC/11% Energy Resist. Bracelet has +8 Disco/+6 INT/FC 1/FCR 3/10% LRC. I have also gotten several good Ornate Axes. One my Samurai/Swordsman uses has 42% HLA/9% HCI/6% DCI/25% SSI/50% Dam Inc. One my GM LJ Swordsman uses has 44% Harm/47% Mana Leech/30% SSI/46% Dam Inc.

From Melisande, i have gotten a Repeating Crossbow with -21 Mage Wep/40% Energy Area/12% HCI/25% SSI/50% Dam Inc, i enhanced it Yew so it now has 17% HCI and 60% Dam Inc. A guildy of mine, Skoal, looted a uber godly Viking Sword off of her during his B-Day Mel's because of my Archer's Luck. It had like 40s Lightning/40s Stam Leech/14% HCI/30% SSI/50% Dam Inc. Some other good loot i have was probably from her, but can't remember for certain.


Champion mosnters like peerless gauntlet bosses and champ spawns have the loot. Stongbox quests also have some of the best loot in the game, but its mainly ML introduced items.

Don't bother with normal monsters.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Unless it's a cleaver. Can't craft those with runic hammers.

[/ QUOTE ]There are lots of weapons you can't make with a Runic Hammer (Butcher Knife, Black Staff). But then you still can't loot a weapon with 7 properties. Actually you can Craft a weapon with 8 properties if you make it out of Gold.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Log on catskills and youll see it all the time

[/ QUOTE ]Sure Pal.
I'll show you one of my best weapons. Until you show a weapon that is better, we'll go with mine...

I know there are better weapons than this out there since it was made with only a Verite Hammer. But at least we can start comparing some looted weapons to some crafted ones.


1248 Luck on Suit, +500 Luck from 10th Anniversary Sculpture, +1000 Luck from Achieving Perfection, adds up to 2748 Luck.


Thing is, that's the Radiant Scimitar type, not very good Specials. Bladeweave is too random to be useful, considering the Double Strike it's supposed to do is broke, and the Block it does is broke as well. Basically only the AI and Feint can be useful. Feint lowers your opponent's HCI/DCI for a few secs (Can take them into negatives, and stacks with HLA/HLD if i remember right).


so when did achieving perfection add a bonus to luck? sorry i must have missed this one.


Perfection has always done this.


"If you have achieved Perfection at the time of your opponent's death, a portion of your Hit Points, Stamina, and Mana will be restored. Your Luck level, for the purposes of calculating that opponent's loot, will also increase based on your Perfection level at the time of your opponent's death (The actual amount of luck is the perfection score squared, divided by ten - so, if you have achieved max perfection, you'll get a bonus of 1000 luck for that creature.)"


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Best loot is from vendors.

OK. I'll give you that one.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Thing is, that's the Radiant Scimitar type, not very good Specials. Bladeweave is too random to be useful, considering the Double Strike it's supposed to do is broke, and the Block it does is broke as well. Basically only the AI and Feint can be useful. Feint lowers your opponent's HCI/DCI for a few secs (Can take them into negatives, and stacks with HLA/HLD if i remember right).

[/ QUOTE ]I'll have to disagree with you there. Too random? I'm not sure you can be too random. I've had amazingly good luck with Bladeweave; especially coupled with the HML since I can pretty much spam BW. Your opponent is never sure what they are going to have to deal with and I'm pretty much guaranteed to get some bleeds, mortals, and AI's in there.


Sorry to ask but what is the "Strongbox" quests that you mentioned?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't believe I mentioned them, but I do know a little about them. There are quests you can find in Heartwood that are rewarded with Strongboxes. You can find more about them over at uoguide.com. I've seen some awesome stuff come out of the strongboxes, but most stuff is crap. The strongbox quests can be fun at first, but then they become quite repetitive. I wish there were more of them (say a couple hundred different ones). Then they'd stay fun for a longer time.

I believe the best loot items are found on Level 5 creatures (Ancient Wyrms, Balrons, etc.), DOOM bosses, champions, and ML bosses (mini and full).


The weapon I was refering to is a diamond mace a man in my guild has.
46 Lightning
44 HLD
42 mana leech
25 ssi
41 DI
(with the mana leech he can do infant specials without med)


Oh. He jsut told me that that weapon actually came from Lady Mel. I had my signal's crossed. His butchers knife came from the neria.
48 Lightning
48 HLD
44 Stnima leech
12 HCI
38 DI