I'm working on my second Sampire suit and need some recommendations. All templates will have 45 DCI, 45 HCI, 100 DI, 150 Str., 150 HP, 132 Dex, 173 Stamina. and 35 Int. Weapon is Bladed Staff with 40 DI, 20 SSI, 60 HML, 60 HLA, and Slayer.
Note: One of the areas I'm not sure on is if I should go with 40 or 45 LMC. The difference between 40 LMC and 45 LMC is 1 Mana. It will require 12 Mana for AI with 40 LMC and 11 Mana for AI with 45 LMC. Since there are pros and cons on the choice between Human and Elf, I'm not sure which template would be the best overall choice. I'm looking for a template I can have fun with, not kill everything solo.
1. Human with 45 LMC and 75 Mana, and Resists 70-95-70-70-70
2. Elf with 45 LMC and 95 Mana, and Resists 70-95-70-70-70
3. Elf with 40 LMC and 95 Mana, and Resists 70-95-70-70-75
Thanks, Katrena
Note: One of the areas I'm not sure on is if I should go with 40 or 45 LMC. The difference between 40 LMC and 45 LMC is 1 Mana. It will require 12 Mana for AI with 40 LMC and 11 Mana for AI with 45 LMC. Since there are pros and cons on the choice between Human and Elf, I'm not sure which template would be the best overall choice. I'm looking for a template I can have fun with, not kill everything solo.
1. Human with 45 LMC and 75 Mana, and Resists 70-95-70-70-70
2. Elf with 45 LMC and 95 Mana, and Resists 70-95-70-70-70
3. Elf with 40 LMC and 95 Mana, and Resists 70-95-70-70-75
Thanks, Katrena
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