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Being constructive on stratics?

  • Thread starter Veese Catskills
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0
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Veese Catskills

Hi friends.. I'm a little confused on how me and my wife's posts keeps getting closed because it's "personal" but uhm.. people will post about having babies, meeting irl, or even picture threads?
And reguarding to the moderator, Podolak - and I quote, "What doesn't get you banned in General Chat won't necessarily work here. If you can't post something constructive go elsewhere." - don't you think that's kind of a personal jab?
Which leads me to say.. Who's to say what is constructive on UO? I mean there is rp, pvp, pvm, and people who just logs on to log on.. we all pay the same amount to play, why can't we play how we want? Which leads me to believe.. Catskills moderators are members of the decline.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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The answer isn't half as difficult as you're trying to make it.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Yet you don't have one?
Have one what? Surely you're not asking for a comprehensive definition of "constructive."

If you are, click here.

P.S. Personal attacks will never, ever fit into this definition. Just fyi.


Old and in the way
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I have an answer. Do not make this a public battle. While Syrus treads lightly, I do not. If you have issues with Stratics and the staff take it private. Visit with the Mod or the admins.

This thread will be locked until reviewed by the local mods or admins.


Crazed Zealot
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This is directly from the RoC:

I. Publicly discussing actions by the moderators is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: bans, warnings, locks, and moved threads. Any inquiries or comments on bans, warnings, or other moderator actions, are to be sent in private messages or via email. A moderator may choose to publicly inform the participants of a forum about bans and warnings if this is in the interest of the forum

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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While Syrus treads lightly, I do not. If you have issues with Stratics and the staff take it private. Visit with the Mod or the admins.
Nor do I, so I suggest you follow Kelmo's advice.

Here's the deal, this is a gaming forum. Not Veese and Elisa's personal love den/playground. Before you hit the submit post button do a quick check list, just to save us all a lot of headache.

1) Is this post related to UO? (besides it being on a UO forum directed to a UO player.)
2) Is there anything inappropriate being discussed? (such as bodily functions)
3) Is there a point or is it just general jabbering to add to your post count? (We have an OT section if you really just want to shoot the bull)

This thread will remain locked, and if you decide to open up another one infractions will be issued. This is your warning. If you have a problem take care of it via PM or email, not on the public forums.

As far as you questioning the legitimacy of other threads... I'll just say this: OT threads are permitted at the discretion of the moderator(s) working on a forum. If a mod deems a thread is not appropriate it will be locked or moved as necessary. If you have a problem with this policy please feel free to email [email protected].

Any further issue with this please feel free to contact me via PM or use the above email address to contact an admin.
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