Except you're going to change that by bringing in Global Vendor search soon, and remove the value of Luna Property entirely anyway...? Whilst the rather disappointing focus some people still have on destroying Luna (and they used to want Britain Bank destroyed before that) once people can trade permanently from vendors in their homes, I think we'll see the final death of Banksitting as a playstyle anyway; Why would you bother when a vendor can be active 24/7? So I must admit, I'm rather surprised at how the Devs don't understand the consequences of the changes they are working on... and use it as an explanation as to why this particular event couldn't be implemented.
Personally, I had a lot of fun with the Bane Vs Ophidian war, and wish we had a permanent version of it somewhere; so many great ideas have disappeared into the spaghetti code over the years and not been re-used, and that one vanishing was the most headscratchingly-ist of all! Bring it back in some form, I say!