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Beginner Tamer with a few pets need advice

i just recently leveled to 90 taming lore vet

by questions are as follows

i have the following pets 3 Cu's, a blue drake from Stygian and a frost drake

my goals is to be able to hunt high end game and treasure maps solo...

could someone please give me the steps to obtain a decent pet to be able to hunt with. the whole training thing has me confused a little just need to be taught one time for all my future needs if anyone have the time to help me out please do its much appreciated.

Also gear what gear do i need for my tamer so far i just have a generic lrc suit


Crazed Zealot
Generic LRC for now will work ok, just dont get targeted..Later hunt from sphynx to swoops when pet can take it. then start accumulating armor pieces and gold. You can theoretically get pieces to make armor by hunting higher end beasties. After you make enough $$ then you can get more armor as you see fit. It will not be the best but youll get there. Eventually will get armor with:
100% LRC, 40 lower mana cost, all 70's resists, some mana regen: basic needs. Eventual armor will depend on your template of the tamer etc.
Eventually you will forward to get also included in the armor : more mana regen as high as you can like 30+.
You can start with trainig these pets, and gather gear same time, and probably develop taming, an. lore and vet..or other skills you may choose. Like for treasure hunting probably you may want to look into Spellweaving or music/disco, music/provoke etc..
For pets:
If your taming is up to speed : Cusidhe is the best at least to start with:
Look for VERY high hit points if you can, as close to 600 post-tame as possible..Then you can build healing and basic skills to as close to 100 as you can, Then you can start the "imbuing" or pet training, on crazy mage, or the Allosaurus in Eodon, or elsewhere --- then the rest is history --imbue resists for the pet first, add mana regen, Stam and Dex, some more mana pool, some hit points, spend all 1,500 imbue points round 1, then get ready for round 2 -- first thing you do in round 2 boost damage to max, then work on the rest special moves, magics, AOE if you choose etc.--see the guides in here by several players. allow points at the end for powerscrolls if you want PS..Most importantly so you will not mistakenly destroy hours of work on prodo shard:
=====> Copy tamer and pets to TC1, there mess with "imbuing-training" all you like, see how it works,
then oops you messed it up ---- easy its TC1 : delete the tamer in TC1, wait 24 hrs and copy the tamer to TC1 again, and again etc... TC1 is the best teacher. Esp if you come across pets that are hard to get or irreplaceable, like a gold color cu with 600 hps.
The way to get good Cus is: Twisted Wield for hours of spawning them ( Kill them and they respawn ) or if you dont want to lose karma, just tame them and they respawn. OR : Go to Magincia pet vendors and try to find a cu with close to 600 hps.
Pet stats evntually should be something like:

HP 700+ (or 800 etc)/ STR 700 (a must)/ Dex 150/Stam 150/ mana regen 30/ hp regen (debatable for cus but most pple try 10-20/ Stam regen (5-7 but debatable)/
1-2 specials -- lots pple like Armor ignore ONLY (others add conductive blast vs others) AND a magic : lots of pple like Chiv due to multiple benefits plus UBER damage with AI plus cons weapon and EoO. One thing about Chiv : If in a mob of diff beasts, EoO cast on ONE of them , then different items in that mob, will attack pet for much more damage..So CHIV is great for single target. But use TC1 again test it for youself.
You will not have Powerscrolls, theyre hard to come by, but: Its ok, you will still have an awesome pet that can kill balrons with EASE etc.
Also as you train pet, at the end you should have 620 points left over for all 120 PS, should they come by somehow, or less for 110 scrolls.
Most importantly DPS damage modifier : the highest you can get 33.
Then you continue working on the skills as you need.
Remember most important is to learn how to use TC1, and xfering tamer/pets there, it takes only 1-2 seconds, and practice there..
Any specific questions dont hesitate to drop questions here, regardless what they sound like.
There are many great tamers here that will be more than willing to help, theyre all super guys.
Donovon, Khaelor, Powain and MANY others..I hope this helps..


Crazed Zealot
Generic LRC for now will work ok, just dont get targeted..Later hunt from sphynx to swoops when pet can take it. then start accumulating armor pieces and gold. You can theoretically get pieces to make armor by hunting higher end beasties. After you make enough $$ then you can get more armor as you see fit. It will not be the best but youll get there. Eventually will get armor with:
100% LRC, 40 lower mana cost, all 70's resists, some mana regen: basic needs. Eventual armor will depend on your template of the tamer etc.
Eventually you will forward to get also included in the armor : more mana regen as high as you can like 30+.
You can start with trainig these pets, and gather gear same time, and probably develop taming, an. lore and vet..or other skills you may choose. Like for treasure hunting probably you may want to look into Spellweaving or music/disco, music/provoke etc..
For pets:
If your taming is up to speed : Cusidhe is the best at least to start with:
Look for VERY high hit points if you can, as close to 600 post-tame as possible..Then you can build healing and basic skills to as close to 100 as you can, Then you can start the "imbuing" or pet training, on crazy mage, or the Allosaurus in Eodon, or elsewhere --- then the rest is history --imbue resists for the pet first, add mana regen, Stam and Dex, some more mana pool, some hit points, spend all 1,500 imbue points round 1, then get ready for round 2 -- first thing you do in round 2 boost damage to max, then work on the rest special moves, magics, AOE if you choose etc.--see the guides in here by several players. allow points at the end for powerscrolls if you want PS..Most importantly so you will not mistakenly destroy hours of work on prodo shard:
=====> Copy tamer and pets to TC1, there mess with "imbuing-training" all you like, see how it works,
then oops you messed it up ---- easy its TC1 : delete the tamer in TC1, wait 24 hrs and copy the tamer to TC1 again, and again etc... TC1 is the best teacher. Esp if you come across pets that are hard to get or irreplaceable, like a gold color cu with 600 hps.
The way to get good Cus is: Twisted Wield for hours of spawning them ( Kill them and they respawn ) or if you dont want to lose karma, just tame them and they respawn. OR : Go to Magincia pet vendors and try to find a cu with close to 600 hps.
Pet stats evntually should be something like:

HP 700+ (or 800 etc)/ STR 700 (a must)/ Dex 150/Stam 150/ mana regen 30/ hp regen (debatable for cus but most pple try 10-20/ Stam regen (5-7 but debatable)/
1-2 specials -- lots pple like Armor ignore ONLY (others add conductive blast vs others) AND a magic : lots of pple like Chiv due to multiple benefits plus UBER damage with AI plus cons weapon and EoO. One thing about Chiv : If in a mob of diff beasts, EoO cast on ONE of them , then different items in that mob, will attack pet for much more damage..So CHIV is great for single target. But use TC1 again test it for youself.
You will not have Powerscrolls, theyre hard to come by, but: Its ok, you will still have an awesome pet that can kill balrons with EASE etc.
Also as you train pet, at the end you should have 620 points left over for all 120 PS, should they come by somehow, or less for 110 scrolls.
Most importantly DPS damage modifier : the highest you can get 33.
Then you continue working on the skills as you need.
Remember most important is to learn how to use TC1, and xfering tamer/pets there, it takes only 1-2 seconds, and practice there..
Any specific questions dont hesitate to drop questions here, regardless what they sound like.
There are many great tamers here that will be more than willing to help, theyre all super guys.
Donovon, Khaelor, Powain and MANY others..I hope this helps..

One more VERY important thing : If you have any old pets DO NOT touch them, until you know the system a little bit, and DO NOT sell them to anyone. These pets are irreplaceable and do not spawn ever again:
Prepatch: WW, Nightmares, 4 slot Great Dragons with good stats, Dreadhorses, or even Cusidhes with great stats like 600 HPS. If prepatch Cus with close to 600 hps look "bad" because they are 4 slots: Do not destroy them: You can just RELEASE and RETAME them instantly, and they become 3 slot Cus..
Be careful especially with Old Nightmares and WW's. Some people may try to get them from you cheaply, but dont sell even for 40-50M. And if you have a dreadhorse : A highly specialized beast, very few people want it,
but keep it for yourself, it has lost a lot of value due to revamp, but again it is a true rare, as is the bane dragon..At least dont get ripped off..
I hope this helps a little..


Stratics Veteran
Be careful especially with Old Nightmares and WW's. Some people may try to get them from you cheaply, but dont sell even for 40-50M. ..
you do realize.... 40-50 mill on old nightmares and ww is not cheap. That is going rate or even high end going rate unless you have an exceptional WW, which most people dont, unfortunately.