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[Fishing] Beginner Questing Questions

Padre Dante

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Finally getting into the fishing profession, and I have a few questions regarding the new High Seas Quests.

1) Am I right that once I accept/fill an order, the next thing is to sail my boat for ~15-20 minutes (haven't actually timed them) to the destination? I've done approximately 15 quests so far, and this part is, by far, the most annoying. :sleep2:

2) How do you finish a quest without being offered another? When I get to the destination port, I always double click the fish monger there, who (a) gives me my reward (hooray bait!) and (b) offers me the next quest. All of you say you have have never quit/refused a quest - but if that's the case, how do you eventually dry dock your boat? I fish in Felucca, so I'm not big on leaving my boat in the water, unattended, for too terribly long.

3) Two-fer on this one. At what skill can I use these lava fishing poles and lava lobster traps? Where are the best places to lava fish/trap?

Thanks for any help. I've had LOTS of time to think about these as I've sailed the Feluccan world this past week...


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
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1) Yes--but--you can find some time-saving tips here:
The FCB Forums-viewtopic-Nice Quest "trick"

2) You do need to quit quests to dry dock your boat--or not accept in first place. There is usually a choice to accept or reject the quest if you don't click too fast.

3) Not sure


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can always fish on the way to the destination. And as far as we've been told refusing a quest does not count as quitting one.

Padre Dante

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1) Thank you! That link was a game changer for me. That "just might" save me some time.

2) Ok, I'll just reject quests, as needed, as I have been. Thank you for confirming I wasn't doing it wrong. Nice to know we don't lose rep. in that instance.

This is a new character, so I've been training magery/eval int/meditation while sailing the "high seas". My fishing isn't high enough yet for deep sea fishing, so unless I run the server line, that's not an option (yet). Thank you for the suggestions, though!