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Been TRYING to not ask..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
because I like to figure things out myself first, but, I'm waving the white flag now!

I haven't grown a plant since the system was first released. I did some re-reading of how to in the sticky link above. I think my new seeds may have a problem or I'm missing something.

I planted some of the new fragrant/peculiar seeds on Sunday night. When I planted them I used regular dirt, gave each a strength potion and kept them in a secure barrel. The next day, 30 hours or so later, the plant's hadn't soaked up the strength potion I gave them. Thinking it was the secure, I removed them all and locked them down on my roof. They've been there, locked down, since with no changes.

The bowls had a red exclamation point in the right corner of the gump. They now have a yellow negative mark. The left upper tab has a number 1 in it. The strength potion still hasn't been absorbed, I haven't watered and the bowl still says 'soft dirt'.

So they seem to be stuck? Am I missing something, did I mess the process up by starting them in a barrel? Any input is appreciated, thanks!

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
by putting them in the barrel you put them into hibernation. The 1 means they're at day 1 of the growth cycle, and count as if you just planted them. They'll grow at your next server maintenance.


Plants can only grow in you backpack or locked down in your house, maybe in you bank too, but I'm not positive. Plants will not grow if they are in locked down or secure containers.


Dude!! Pull em up and get em in your backpack <OR> lock them down in your house. They will not grow in a 'container.' Only catch to locking them (new paculiar & fragrant) down in your house is that once they 'bloom' you will need to unlock them and put them in your pack to tend them to fruition. You can lock them back down after daily tending but; again, will need them in your pack to water and potion them daily. The other plants (not paculiar & fragrant) can stay locked down on your floor through the entire growing cycle. Stock up on greater poison & greater cure for tending and careful to only click the pot tab once per dose.


Where plants Will Grow.

1 - In your backpack.
2 - In your bank box.
3 - In the pack of a beetle you are mounted on.
4 - Locked down in a house.

They will also grow inside containers in 1-3, but not 4.

When they grow.
#1 - #3 will grow the first time you log in that is at least 24 hours after their Last growth. (so you can stay logged out for days and not worry about them dying due to lack of care)

#4 - At server-up each day after maintenance IF it has been at least 24 hours since their Last growth.
(so they will not grow the first server-up following being planted, because it hasn't been 24 hours yet)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for all the replies to move them from the barrel, but I did that on Monday evening. It's been at least 48 hours since I locked them down on the house roof (third little paragraph in my OP :) ). This is why I'm confused. They should have, after two days of being out of the barrel, start to pick up as usual, right?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Problem solved - I just got home from work and logged in to check. They're growing now, I have a little green sapling, woohoo!

Thanks again


Careful with the Beetle pack ... another post I'd read a beetle went wild with plants in it --- may have not been fed though. Happy Growing !!!!