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(RP) Bedlam Stirs (CoD's Quest of the Damned Series)


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Stratics Legend
Bedlam Stirs

Part 1
Ilhenir the Stained lies restless.

Being the unfortunate result of a death ritual gone horribly wrong, Ilhenir --- once a handsome and strong young knight who's parents mourned so grieviously that they went to great lengths to have him returned to them --- is bitter. Surrounded by other undead and swamp creatures, he has been condemned to a life of foul stench and wretch existence. His former glorious life now a distant memory, family long gone... stained by the despair of his own loneliness. Bedlam now his only home.

Infused with the power of man, beast, and monster he is quite unstoppable, but no challenge really quenches his anger. That is until a strange lady, clad in black and red, appeared before him. In complete shock that she would be able to pass through his numerous minions unscathed, he took notice and listened.

"How is it that you stand before me without harm?" He asked the lady. "My powers are beyond this world. None in this wretch of a land can challenge it." She answered. "Is that so? Well, where I dwell isn't of "this land"... what you see here are centuries of forgotten souls who have felt my revenge." Ilhenir boasted. "Revenge for what, if ye cares to say?" Ix Tab pressed. "For this." Ilhenir stood up and outstretched his arms. "What you see before you is the remains of those whose loved ones felt a need to hold on to and failed. The result being unholy evil; pieces of living creatures stitched together, not whole beings." Ilhenir's voice raised. "And thus they discarded thee when they saw what ye hath become... I see." Ix Tab trailed her voice. Ilhenir raged. "YESSSSS, do you think this is what I wanted? To live in enternity as pieces of myself. I had died the death every knight deserved, in battle and on that field I should have stayed!!" "And are ye seeking to continue thy wrath on all those that have shunned thee?" Ix Tab asked. Ilhenir sat back in his chair, "Is that what you are offering?"

Ix Tab smiled. She knew that he could be easily persuaded against Sosaria to do her bidding.

(To be continued...)

The Children of Darkness Forums - Bedlam Stirs (September - December 2010)
Ilhenir the Stained - UOGuide
Bedlam - UOGuide
Umbra - UOGuide


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Stratics Legend
Re: Bedlam Stirs

Bedlam Stirs, Part 2

Ilhenir rose to the sounds of footsteps coming towards the creaking door of his bedroom deep within Bedlam. As he sat up in his old stone bed, he heard the door shut and the footsteps get louder. They were female footsteps. Ix Tab stopped just short of him, feet crossed as she leaned her left arm on one of four heavy marble pillars that held the structure that contained them both. "Much blood was shed, I hear."

"I assume that pleases you," Ilhenir said as he looked up at her. "This intrusion is becoming a habit," he protested. Ix moved from the pillar and took a seat near a table stacked with old books, parchments, a few pens, some old ink, and dust. Ilhenir stood and threw on an old robe, torn and tattered. "Not nearly enough," she exclaimed. "Something must be done about the smell in this wretched place," she added as she leaned over the table to open an old book that caught her eye among the many. Ilhenir quickly shut the cover back down with such force that the dust scattered. "If I had extended open invitations, perhaps I might have been inclined to clean up," he sneered at Ix who was dusting off her sleeve. Staring back at Ilhenir she leaned back in her chair she added, "Hmm, I wonder what Lord British would say about the little lady that now sits on his throne." Ilhenir never liked the mention of Lord British; a certain shame always befell him. Such an honorable, brave man.

"What business have you?" Ilhenir pressed, tired of the pleasantries. "Do you have an idea of what "undead assistance" the Queen might be referring to?" she asked as he sat across the table on the opposite chair. "I do not, now would I have ever thought any undead legion would assist mortals. Awfully strange," Ilhenir answered. He carefully placed one arm on the book that Ix had previously tried to examine, covering the title. Ix noticed, but said nothing. "I think it’s something we should find out," Ix said. Ilhenir nodded.

"I vaguely remember that at the battle of Red Skull Bay, some of my ... opponents.... were far more difficult to injure," Ix finally said breaking the brief silence. "I am not sure many knew of their presence," she added. "What would the undead have to gain by helping mortals?" Ilhenir asked. "I am not sure, but it’s puzzling." Ix answered. “I guess that’s what has brought me here to you,” she added. Ilhenir looked up at her. “Why would this be of my concern?” he asked. “Well, are you not undead?” she pressed him. Ilhenir stood from his chair. “Effectively yes,” he answered. “Good, then I shall task you with finding more information about these undead legions...” she said in statement. “I take no orders from demons or any.” Ilhenir said, his tone of voice escalating. Ix remained seated; his tone did not bother her. “Well, they may show up at your doorstep, surely these buffoons you have here would not be able to ward off any of the likes of the undead we speak of. Besides if you turn the other cheek, you’ll be less prepared for them.” Her methods of manipulation were well practiced. Ilhenir responded to her favor, “If they come here, I shall be prepared. I will summon more to my cause; fill this “school” with thousands of them. I know exactly where to get them.” Ix tab sat forward in her chair, eyes now fixed on the book that Ilhenir had previously covered. “I assume that would help,” she said as she pointed to the book.

“The Book of the Dead: Necromantic Principles in Resurrection”

Ilhenir quickly lifted the book up from the table, held it in his arms. “There is a pyramid not far from Umbra, abandoned now, that keeps guard to ancient evils. I have been known to summon their assistance. Although I myself cannot venture out of Bedlam, those under my command are trained just the same. They can call to them at my will,” he said as he turned to walk to the heavy old English oak wooden door that sealed his room. “Then, it’s settled. You go find out who these undead are, then you use your trusty little book to add more idiots to your little school. I shall return in three moons.” Ix said and then stood up from her chair. As she walked towards the door that Ilhenir now held open for her to exit, she stopped short right in front of him. “And don’t think you can keep anything out of my reach.” She tapped the book he held tightly in his left arm. Ix continued her exit as Ilhenir shut the door behind him.

Ilhenir turned on his heel and walked back to the table. He put his book down, opened the cover where the stamp on the inside cover read:


The time had come for Ilhenir to call for Master Theophilus.

(To be continued...)

The Children of Darkness Forums - Bedlam Stirs (September - December 2010)
Ilhenir the Stained - UOGuide
Bedlam - UOGuide
Umbra - UOGuide


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Bedlam Stirs

Bedlam Stirs, Part 3

Theophilus ben Ananus was in the Encyclopedia of Bedlam when the creaking door opened; he did not turn around. Ilhenir walked towards the first seat in sight and sat down. He walked with a limp due to his deformities. It was a sound that Theophilus recognized well.

Theophilus closed his book with a thump and turned to the now-seating Ilhenir. "What brings you above ground, sir?", he said with an inquisitive tone and a raised eyebrow. "I need your services." Ilhenir stated boldly and strong. He was in complete control of those that served him. "As you wish." Theophilus said as he bowed his head.

Ilhenir placed an old book on the table, turned it to face Theophilus and then pushed it to him. Theophilus' eyes widened as he placed the index finger of his right hand gently on the old dust cover and ran it down the middle to edge. It read, "The Book of the Dead". He almost opened it when he let the cover shut close again. He looked up at Ilhenir, "Where is this from?" he asked. Ilhenir shrugged his shoulders, "I have no idea." Theophilus' curiosity could take it no longer. He opened the book.

A look of confusion now occupied Theophilus' face. He looked up to Ilhenir. "I know, I cannot make anything of it either." Ilhenir told Theophilus. Theophilus noticed a pen markings on the inside cover, only slightly faded. It read...


He wondered. What would Gnosos know of the language this book is written in and would he share it with him? Theophilus was not on the best of term with Anton; in their mortal lives they had been good friends, but fierce competitors as professors of the studies on Necromancy, the lost dark art. He was unsure whether he could even approach Anton with this request. "Gnosos will not involve himself in this." Theophilus stated. Ilhenir looked up at him. "It is best he is not," he stated. "I leave this in your care," tapping the book with his finger a few times. With that Ilhenir rose from his chair and started to walk back out of the building. "What am I to do for you my lord?" Theophilus asked as Ilhenir opened the door. "Decipher it."

Theophilus took continued to skim through the text in front of him. The pictorials gave him some insight but only just. This was a book of talent. Talent unequaled by any living or, in his case, unliving person. It would further the study of necromancy beyond any known compendium. It completely intrigued him. He came upon a section of the book that seems to depict the resurrection of the undead, not something uncommon to the doctrine of the magicians and necromancers in their varied ways. But this... this was different. It seemed to require a mortal sacrifice; pure blood to be spilt. Those resurrected by the use of this spell are represented in ways that hint at a more complete resurrection in where the targets acquire special powers beyond those that exist here in Sosaria. This could prove to be a very challenging opponent to those that seek to destroy his master, Ilhenir, and reinforce his true calling.

As he turned the page, he saw a pyramid in one of the hand-drawn pictorials. His eyes lit up as the similarities were uncanny. He had seen this before. Not too far from Umbra. As he attempted, with little luck, to read through the text he found no immediate evidence that these two were the same. The pyramid in this book was surrounded by a lush oasis, while the one he recognized was in the middle of the desert. None the less, an investigation must be launched. What properties could be found at the Abandoned Pyramid of Umbra that could possibly benefit his task? Perhaps none, but it was the only lead he had for now.

He summoned some of his understudies... a new task was at hand.

References for the Readers/RP's:
The Children of Darkness Forums - Bedlam Stirs (March - May 2011)
Bedlam - UOGuide, the Ultima Online encyclopedia
Ilhenir the Stained - UOGuide, the Ultima Online encyclopedia