Friday night at yew was another good fight that went on for quite awhile. There were between 8 to 12 blues and 6 to 14 cops on the battlefield at any one time. When I first got there a lot the normal characters were on for cop but their stealth department was lacking their normal numbers. UG (Unbeatable God) was on his archer with I believe three or four more mounted archers along with a couple tamers. They also had a few mages and TMI was swapping from character to character, as was KMS.
The blues were guilds ranged from SKOR and a few allies to III to a couple PAS I believe. Also there was Vhinn from PKP on his tamer and a few red SL. A few spectators gave us a larger appearance but was good, kept cop far enough back with uncertainty to start throwing fields and push them back more away from guard zone. Now cop starts fielding themselves and back and forth blows are thrown. A cop would die then a blue would die. Besides dealing with beneficial acts we did a lot better at x healing each other (I didn’t kill any friendly) and were able to keep our guys in the fight and keep pushing. During one of our big pushes I came across a sight that made me wipe my eyes…a corps of UG…these things are becoming more common than we were led to believe. Within a few more minutes COP was over taken and most were killed off or fled. We stood around thinking we won then here they come again and this time with good numbers (equal to or greater) and the fielding and fighting was back on. Then I noticed cop was a man down still, UG was nowhere in sight, guess he called it a night… Anyways at some point the fight got scattered and people were running all over yew. A few times it got confusing, everyone was all in the same spot fighting, no fields, cop reds mixed with sl reds. I would attack this guys as he runs by, change real fast attack this other guy next to me, heal a friend, attack the dismounted guy…No team work by this time but more of a free for all, it was nuts. Well I started getting bold and that was not a good thing, I chased a cop wanting to get another kill and I ran right into about 9 reds. At first I thought it was a mix of cop and sl fighting so I kept attacking but boy was I wrong! This was cops regroup spot…so as I made my way back to the gate to res I started thinking, for a mixed group of players and guilds to do as good as we did tonight without communicating can you only imagine if we were all on same page all the time. We could possibly change the power in Sonoma. Now I do understand that one of cops main elements were not there (stealth archer crew) and their numbers were low all considering. But still, a group with many less experienced pvpers can fight and push a power like cop back is impressive to me. I would be worried if I were cop, if these guilds can get past their differences and ally, the power of fel could shift once again. COP has been in power for a long time and its going take more than a mixed group to change that…
Moral to this story is we got lucky last night, if you want to be successful a lot more than here and there, you need to sacrifice and work together as one. Green is a great color! Beneficial acts have killed our fights for us to many times… so lets ALLY already!
The blues were guilds ranged from SKOR and a few allies to III to a couple PAS I believe. Also there was Vhinn from PKP on his tamer and a few red SL. A few spectators gave us a larger appearance but was good, kept cop far enough back with uncertainty to start throwing fields and push them back more away from guard zone. Now cop starts fielding themselves and back and forth blows are thrown. A cop would die then a blue would die. Besides dealing with beneficial acts we did a lot better at x healing each other (I didn’t kill any friendly) and were able to keep our guys in the fight and keep pushing. During one of our big pushes I came across a sight that made me wipe my eyes…a corps of UG…these things are becoming more common than we were led to believe. Within a few more minutes COP was over taken and most were killed off or fled. We stood around thinking we won then here they come again and this time with good numbers (equal to or greater) and the fielding and fighting was back on. Then I noticed cop was a man down still, UG was nowhere in sight, guess he called it a night… Anyways at some point the fight got scattered and people were running all over yew. A few times it got confusing, everyone was all in the same spot fighting, no fields, cop reds mixed with sl reds. I would attack this guys as he runs by, change real fast attack this other guy next to me, heal a friend, attack the dismounted guy…No team work by this time but more of a free for all, it was nuts. Well I started getting bold and that was not a good thing, I chased a cop wanting to get another kill and I ran right into about 9 reds. At first I thought it was a mix of cop and sl fighting so I kept attacking but boy was I wrong! This was cops regroup spot…so as I made my way back to the gate to res I started thinking, for a mixed group of players and guilds to do as good as we did tonight without communicating can you only imagine if we were all on same page all the time. We could possibly change the power in Sonoma. Now I do understand that one of cops main elements were not there (stealth archer crew) and their numbers were low all considering. But still, a group with many less experienced pvpers can fight and push a power like cop back is impressive to me. I would be worried if I were cop, if these guilds can get past their differences and ally, the power of fel could shift once again. COP has been in power for a long time and its going take more than a mixed group to change that…
Moral to this story is we got lucky last night, if you want to be successful a lot more than here and there, you need to sacrifice and work together as one. Green is a great color! Beneficial acts have killed our fights for us to many times… so lets ALLY already!