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  • Thread starter Skullcollector
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Friday night at yew was another good fight that went on for quite awhile. There were between 8 to 12 blues and 6 to 14 cops on the battlefield at any one time. When I first got there a lot the normal characters were on for cop but their stealth department was lacking their normal numbers. UG (Unbeatable God) was on his archer with I believe three or four more mounted archers along with a couple tamers. They also had a few mages and TMI was swapping from character to character, as was KMS.
The blues were guilds ranged from SKOR and a few allies to III to a couple PAS I believe. Also there was Vhinn from PKP on his tamer and a few red SL. A few spectators gave us a larger appearance but was good, kept cop far enough back with uncertainty to start throwing fields and push them back more away from guard zone. Now cop starts fielding themselves and back and forth blows are thrown. A cop would die then a blue would die. Besides dealing with beneficial acts we did a lot better at x healing each other (I didn’t kill any friendly) and were able to keep our guys in the fight and keep pushing. During one of our big pushes I came across a sight that made me wipe my eyes…a corps of UG…these things are becoming more common than we were led to believe. Within a few more minutes COP was over taken and most were killed off or fled. We stood around thinking we won then here they come again and this time with good numbers (equal to or greater) and the fielding and fighting was back on. Then I noticed cop was a man down still, UG was nowhere in sight, guess he called it a night… Anyways at some point the fight got scattered and people were running all over yew. A few times it got confusing, everyone was all in the same spot fighting, no fields, cop reds mixed with sl reds. I would attack this guys as he runs by, change real fast attack this other guy next to me, heal a friend, attack the dismounted guy…No team work by this time but more of a free for all, it was nuts. Well I started getting bold and that was not a good thing, I chased a cop wanting to get another kill and I ran right into about 9 reds. At first I thought it was a mix of cop and sl fighting so I kept attacking but boy was I wrong! This was cops regroup spot…so as I made my way back to the gate to res I started thinking, for a mixed group of players and guilds to do as good as we did tonight without communicating can you only imagine if we were all on same page all the time. We could possibly change the power in Sonoma. Now I do understand that one of cops main elements were not there (stealth archer crew) and their numbers were low all considering. But still, a group with many less experienced pvpers can fight and push a power like cop back is impressive to me. I would be worried if I were cop, if these guilds can get past their differences and ally, the power of fel could shift once again. COP has been in power for a long time and its going take more than a mixed group to change that…
Moral to this story is we got lucky last night, if you want to be successful a lot more than here and there, you need to sacrifice and work together as one. Green is a great color! Beneficial acts have killed our fights for us to many times… so lets ALLY already!

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No doubt. SKOR seems to have some numbers, SEND OUT SOME ALLY REQUESTS SKOR. I'll all for it. :) DOWN WITH COP. :)

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That was fun. I enjoyed sitting at the gate talking to everyone. I only died twice =D

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Skull...can we use some structure man??? Sorry...I look at that and see a giant feild of letters...No offense meant...if was in paragraph would read whole thing.

Comment though. Gate figthing sucks. Ive not been playing much last few days as just started new job so been busy...when I get back playing if I do soon...needa get some folks together, alliance or a guild, and go do some figthing in dungeons and t2a....that is where the real fun happens.


Skull...can we use some structure man??? Sorry...I look at that and see a giant feild of letters...No offense meant...if was in paragraph would read whole thing.
Sorry everyone, thats the most I have ever typed at one time in my entire life. I was on a roll and wasnt gona stop till I was done!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Black Majick, nice to hear that you found a new job.

Noticed that there have been more and more blues at the gate here lately and even at some of the spawns. Some nice fights here and there. Keep it up as were having a blast and I hope you all are having fun as well.


Skull,this is the first time ive looked at these boards in six months, and i probably wont again for another six months, so you should really talk to me in game. Anyways, you want everyone to be allied but thats not going to happen im kind of wondering what do you think will honestly change if we are all green? its still blues vs reds already anyway, and u talk about us all allying but you were the first one to drop out of the ti-skor alliance. The Whole shard does not need to ally to fight cop, ive been having fun wether alone or with a group and thats all that matters to me. If you really want to kill cop leave the gate because ive killed plenty in lost lands, also if you just want to spawn make a spawn guild and do a spawn when cop is doing some other spawn, i have done that as well and im just a trammie. just a few suggestions for you ok


Skull,this is the first time ive looked at these boards in six months, and i probably wont again for another six months, so you should really talk to me in game. Anyways, you want everyone to be allied but thats not going to happen im kind of wondering what do you think will honestly change if we are all green? its still blues vs reds already anyway, and u talk about us all allying but you were the first one to drop out of the ti-skor alliance. The Whole shard does not need to ally to fight cop, ive been having fun wether alone or with a group and thats all that matters to me. If you really want to kill cop leave the gate because ive killed plenty in lost lands, also if you just want to spawn make a spawn guild and do a spawn when cop is doing some other spawn, i have done that as well and im just a trammie. just a few suggestions for you ok
The reason cop's teamwork is so good right now is they are able to x heal any of their members at any time and NOT get beneficial acts. By being green we can be more affective at X healing and not get the beneficial acts. That has lost us several fights. Also our ranged spells wont hit any gray members or red members.

I did leave the ally, I want to rejoin but only if people will get serious about it and use better teamwork. The night I quit I was frustrated because I was the only one attacking the enemy, everyone else wouldn’t leave guard zone and fight. I do realize that many of them were not really there to pvp I guess but more to watch. I now make sure I know who is fighting and who is not before I engage to many at once.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The reason cop's teamwork is so good right now is they are able to x heal any of their members at any time and NOT get beneficial acts. By being green we can be more affective at X healing and not get the beneficial acts. That has lost us several fights. Also our ranged spells wont hit any gray members or red members.

I did leave the ally, I want to rejoin but only if people will get serious about it and use better teamwork. The night I quit I was frustrated because I was the only one attacking the enemy, everyone else wouldn’t leave guard zone and fight. I do realize that many of them were not really there to pvp I guess but more to watch. I now make sure I know who is fighting and who is not before I engage to many at once.
Reds can't x-heal eachother in the GZ skull, because the ever spammed 'guards!!! is close at hand. The advantage is clearly blues and the faction members who hide beneathe blue skirts in the gz regardless of them being red. Funny thing was, we decided to post blue faction members in the gz and managed to pick off some reds otherwise left to their own devices, blues turned grey and faction members hiding amongst you all. Sometimes you guys take a peek around the corner but you can always run back to the guards. I think perhaps t2a and dungeons would be a much better place, and of course there's the ex-scam stealth SL who hide in their house pop out hide in the guard zone and hope to get in a lucky shot, all a bit yawnish if you ask me.


Whelp this isnt where I was going with this post but hey always seem to end up here.
WHO CARES ABOUT WHO IS BETTER THAN WHO WORM AND USUAL! It took me losing a few real close friends in uo to make me relize this is a game to enjoy, not to call each other names and be disrespectful! COP needs us as much as we need them. Without each other there would be NO PVP!!!! STFU about who is better than who!. MY opinion is KMS is the best pvper in uo because not only is he good at pvp, HE NEVER TALKS CRAP AND NEVER DOWNS ANYONE! KMS you are my pvp god! That to me is what makes a great pvper, one who needs to say nothing....
Im done for awhile...enjoy your conversations.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Whelp this isnt where I was going with this post but hey always seem to end up here.
WHO CARES ABOUT WHO IS BETTER THAN WHO WORM AND USUAL! It took me losing a few real close friends in uo to make me relize this is a game to enjoy, not to call each other names and be disrespectful! COP needs us as much as we need them. Without each other there would be NO PVP!!!! STFU about who is better than who!. MY opinion is KMS is the best pvper in uo because not only is he good at pvp, HE NEVER TALKS CRAP AND NEVER DOWNS ANYONE! KMS you are my pvp god! That to me is what makes a great pvper, one who needs to say nothing....
Im done for awhile...enjoy your conversations.
I agree KMS is an excellent guild leader and a damn good pvper, I'm proud to be in his guild and totally get why they've lasted so long after all the others fell by the wayside.


Whelp this isnt where I was going with this post but hey always seem to end up here.
WHO CARES ABOUT WHO IS BETTER THAN WHO WORM AND USUAL! It took me losing a few real close friends in uo to make me relize this is a game to enjoy, not to call each other names and be disrespectful! COP needs us as much as we need them. Without each other there would be NO PVP!!!! STFU about who is better than who!. MY opinion is KMS is the best pvper in uo because not only is he good at pvp, HE NEVER TALKS CRAP AND NEVER DOWNS ANYONE! KMS you are my pvp god! That to me is what makes a great pvper, one who needs to say nothing....
Im done for awhile...enjoy your conversations.
Thank you Skull! You are right who cares who is better! It is a game. You know, I have been in their chat channels and all I hear from COP is nothing but having fun. No matter if they were at the losing end. I don't know what goes on in your chat channels but I hope you all do the same rather than taking it personal. I think is enough bashing, no matter what guild it is. It should be done in game not here.

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
KMS is indeed a great PvPer and honestly a great person in general. A very honrable person to duel(and to loose too!).

Back on topic. Lets everyone play nice and not be calling eachother liars.


What we have here is failure to communicate. This post was designed to discus building a team of willing players who wants to leave the gate and move up in the pvp world. Go fight in the dungeons or where ever a fight takes us.
OTHER PEOPLE are talking about who is the best pvper’s on Sonoma. First what are we talking about here guys, dueler’s or field fighters because that is a BIG difference. Duels are for respect in a set environment where field fighters are in it for the victory of the battle. If you want the answer to the who’s the best dueler that’s EASY, Azruth(damn I butchered his name, sorry). If you wish to dispute that show up next Fight Night and present your case…
As for who is the best field fighter…no such thing.
Field fight means no rules what so ever. If one chooses to bring in a pet or other player to the fight its fair, remember no rules. So who ever can bring the most to the fight wins…TEAMWORK. That’s what this thread was about so lets get back to that K…


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm gonna start handing out bans for anyone that wants to keep on bashing. That means you harrypotted III and TheUsualSuspect. You two need to take it in-game.


I do agree that without cop, there would be nothing to do pvp wise because there is really no other major guild, and i enjoy fighting them. And i can see both points, yes cop can't x-heal in guards but can right outside of it like they usually do. The blues although may have the same amount as cop at times, can't compete when they are not in a chat to call targets or be able to cross heal because of tags, if all had one vent/teamspeak and were allied, i know there would be some amazing fights at the gate and at spawns. Also if you think about it, of coarse the few sl stealthers have to hide around the blues, do u really think 2 or 3 sl stealthers can take on 12+ cop??? I for one, love to stat cop on my stealther while they are fighting blues, it gives me a good laugh :D Also i believe that something was said about cop fielding island or running to town guards instead of fighting even numbers, the response was "it's called playing it smart and doing what works the best", so i guess thats what several of us stealthers do, we play it smart, and go for a solo cop or a killshot/res kill because it works, and takes mainly your tamers out of the fight for 20 minutes.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do agree that without cop, there would be nothing to do pvp wise because there is really no other major guild
No...there would be quite a few smaller PvP guilds. I know for a fact that some friends of mine moved shards mainly because they got tired of it being the same 4-5 of us fighting against the 10+ COP could field. You would have smaller PvP guilds pop up. I would just as soon have 5 or 6 guilds with 6-8 peeps in each rather than have 2 big guilds/alliances figthing for superiority anyways.

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Things were always more interesting when there was 10+ pvp fel guilds around and no such thing as alliances.

You and another guild would be fighting, and then 2 others would show up and join the battle. It would be a battle royal with 30+ differnt people all fighting eachother. I rememeber countless sleepless nights with these types of battles. Good times.


The good times were the brit cem fights before there was a tram. Also, i think that there would be smaller guilds fighting each other if there was never a champ spawn created, that in my opinion is the main reason bigger guilds came along, up till then it was usually smaller guilds fighting it out.


I just want to let everyone know I don’t have a big ego anymore but if that Ogar Lord in Dispise thinks he’s tuff for killing me, BRING IT ON CHUMP! I died so easy yesterday that a guild mate healed me and I still died…no one was even attacking me. Everyone can have a day where nothing they do seems to go right, well last night was my day. I was even pancakes at Lego that no one was healing me but then I realized just about every time I died I was not around my group (I wasn’t being a team player). I think at some point I got tired of giving everyone my insurance money (even the ogar lords) and I stayed closer to my friends. The fight got a little better when we all were x healing, less deaths and we ended up getting more kills.
I have noticed thought in the last week (since I started posting a lot more) that I have become COPs biggest target. When I run up, everyone in my view turns and ALL attacks me. Three others and me ran up on about 6 cop and I was on foot and dead before I could cast one heal. A few guild mate’s even noticed the same thing and one said glad it was me not him...thanks BUDDY! :) If I am the main target for cop I better not have to many more of these bad days or I might as well just write cop a check.
Something else I am noticing is the smack talk is getting less. Dom and I squashed a few of our differences last night, which was very cool because I do have respect for his pvp abilities. He really is a good team player, always has been. It’s much more fun when people can kill each other and still respect one and another. If people weren’t trashing each other all the time I think more would come out to fight in fel and enjoy it. If someone is smack talking you, just be nice, once they see they are the ones that look stupid they will stop. Last night was fun for me even know I died more in this one night than I did in the entire month combined. Thanks for the fights once again.

I was not sure if this post fits in this thread but I didn’t want to start another one…maybe we need to talk about a pvp thread again…maybe? That way anything pvp fits and easier to police.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think everyone has had bad days in PVP at least once or twice, some more than others, and in your fustration things get said that maybe shouldn't have been said either to guildmates or to those attacking your char. It happens. Oh and you can make that check out to Kell...I'll make sure it gets split out to the rest of the guild :D.


I agree with Kell... everyone has days that are bad. God knows I do! I have noticed a difference in you, Skull, on the field. I like it. Even though it sucks to die, when you can smile or laugh, get rezzed and even sometimes compliment them on the "kill", the game is better, more fun. Skull, you are getting better at having fun :)

From my perspective yesterday, talking to your ghost, I KNEW that even though you don't like dying, you made a difference. Even though you felt Like you were our main target, you held your cool. BTW, I don't think that you were our primary target. More like, ummm, you were the one to most often lead the charge out of the guard zone. :)

To the PvP'ers on our shard: We have many fine PvP'ers, in and out of COP. Would it be so hard, that when a battle is fought and won, would it be so hard to recognize that with a "good fight, mate" rather than trash talk?

I think that having a seperate PvP thread is a good idea, but I also think we need to prove to the moderators that we deserve to have one by following the RoC and keeping it civil. It might take some time to do so.

I know we all had fun. Keep it up, Skull...fun is contagious.


Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I always have bad days when I PvP(atleast thats my excuse).

Im got killed the other night in destard, first person I had seen in there for awhile. I didnt even see them coming, a stealth archer, it actually scared the crap outa me to just see a name pop up 2 tiles away from me and kill me.

They were kind enough to res me and we both got a good luagh at the fellow that charged in and got eaten by a greater dragon 5 minutes later.

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The good times were the brit cem fights before there was a tram. Also, i think that there would be smaller guilds fighting each other if there was never a champ spawn created, that in my opinion is the main reason bigger guilds came along, up till then it was usually smaller guilds fighting it out.
I always liked the Cross roads myself. Good ole Tree. That guy is a legend, him and Clifford both.

That is indeed why the large PvP guilds came together.(champ spawns) they are fun but these new peerless things are lame. :loser:

Gimme a lute and ill go own a dungeon for hours.


I log into Uo yesterday to find out I as killed in an auto accident. (Just a rumor…obviously) Then I find out my main characters guild was put in factions so my char is now in factions (didn’t want that). After doing damage control and apologizing to everyone that I am still alive I decided to go to yew and see what’s happening. Now for a second I did forget that I was in factions but several cop member reminded me of this real fast. So now I am in stat on my mage and decide to wait for my friends before I go back to pick a fight while orange.
We get several in our alliance together and went in to yew and started a battle with cop. The fight started at the gate and moved to yew bank area. Cop had an area where they had faction guards placed so they had a safe spot. We started to field and set up a front to fight cop close to their group. Now I was put in stat again because I went a little to far into those faction guards chasing and was lit up. As I ran from the guards a cop caught me and finished me off. I thought since I was in stat I was done but an all-120 mage in stat can still fight…woohoo! I started X healing everyone I could and kept placing fields. After awhile cops numbers thinned out and they left the area.
As we stood around we thought maybe its time to try a despise champ and test the water with our new faction alliance. Word (OTK) led the group into Dispise and we proceeded to work the champ. Once the champ came up Word called for all to gather and start fielding. Right about that time cop rolled in with good numbers and started attacking our front line. Now the battle starts getting good, fields everywhere from both sides, spells casting in the air everywhere you look. If we had better blood graphics there would have been blood everywhere! As we fought off cop we had a few of our players attacking the champ and after several minutes the champ was killed. We get our scrolls out and the fight ended shortly after that. That was the best teamwork I have seen from our side since we started working on this alliance. Word did a good job keeping it together and giving orders. Everyone else did a great job on handling what he or she was assigned to do.
There was another battle at yew gate late and again it was a good battle. COP did once again leave the area but this time they didn’t come back like normal. A lot of our members logged because by this time it was getting late and we thought cop had called it a night. I was getting ready to go to bed myself when a few said lets go do a Dispise again, cops no where to be seen. I figured why not, what are the chances after our showing today that cop still has numbers on. So about 5 of us go and work the spawn and bring the champ up again. I ask should we field and others were like no, cop is done for the night. Well just about that time we see one cop member so a few of our guys go after him. I think he was a decoy because once we split up; another 6 to 8 cop rolled in and killed a couple of us left by the champ. A few minutes later I think the rest of our guys were dead or split the area because cop started on the champ. I think over the next 10 minutes a few tried to go back but with no success, cop won that fight hands down.
Now everyone there has to admit that the earlier battle was the best battle’s we have had in a long time and for us was a great showing at a champ with the new alliance. Another thing, the entire fight, at yew or even at the champ I personal did not see one person talk trash. Now is it just me or is it really much more fun if that kind of crap is left out of the fight? Once again thank you all it was a blast. Can’t wait for the next fight!
This is my last post like this; we need a shard reporter to call the play-by-play or just to give updates on how the battles go. Its fun telling about these battles but for me it is also hard, I am a construction worker trying to type with big fingers, spell correctly (thank god for spell checker) and use words to not offend anyone if at all possible. I know there are many who can do a much better job at this than I can. I will still respond in our threads just no more stories. (I bet some if not most everyone is happy to hear this) :)

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I log into Uo yesterday to find out I as killed in an auto accident. (Just a rumor…obviously) Then I find out my main characters guild was put in factions so my char is now in factions (didn’t want that). After doing damage control and apologizing to everyone that I am still alive I decided to go to yew and see what’s happening. Now for a second I did forget that I was in factions but several cop member reminded me of this real fast. So now I am in stat on my mage and decide to wait for my friends before I go back to pick a fight while orange.
We get several in our alliance together and went in to yew and started a battle with cop. The fight started at the gate and moved to yew bank area. Cop had an area where they had faction guards placed so they had a safe spot. We started to field and set up a front to fight cop close to their group. Now I was put in stat again because I went a little to far into those faction guards chasing and was lit up. As I ran from the guards a cop caught me and finished me off. I thought since I was in stat I was done but an all-120 mage in stat can still fight…woohoo! I started X healing everyone I could and kept placing fields. After awhile cops numbers thinned out and they left the area.
As we stood around we thought maybe its time to try a despise champ and test the water with our new faction alliance. Word (OTK) led the group into Dispise and we proceeded to work the champ. Once the champ came up Word called for all to gather and start fielding. Right about that time cop rolled in with good numbers and started attacking our front line. Now the battle starts getting good, fields everywhere from both sides, spells casting in the air everywhere you look. If we had better blood graphics there would have been blood everywhere! As we fought off cop we had a few of our players attacking the champ and after several minutes the champ was killed. We get our scrolls out and the fight ended shortly after that. That was the best teamwork I have seen from our side since we started working on this alliance. Word did a good job keeping it together and giving orders. Everyone else did a great job on handling what he or she was assigned to do.
There was another battle at yew gate late and again it was a good battle. COP did once again leave the area but this time they didn’t come back like normal. A lot of our members logged because by this time it was getting late and we thought cop had called it a night. I was getting ready to go to bed myself when a few said lets go do a Dispise again, cops no where to be seen. I figured why not, what are the chances after our showing today that cop still has numbers on. So about 5 of us go and work the spawn and bring the champ up again. I ask should we field and others were like no, cop is done for the night. Well just about that time we see one cop member so a few of our guys go after him. I think he was a decoy because once we split up; another 6 to 8 cop rolled in and killed a couple of us left by the champ. A few minutes later I think the rest of our guys were dead or split the area because cop started on the champ. I think over the next 10 minutes a few tried to go back but with no success, cop won that fight hands down.
Now everyone there has to admit that the earlier battle was the best battle’s we have had in a long time and for us was a great showing at a champ with the new alliance. Another thing, the entire fight, at yew or even at the champ I personal did not see one person talk trash. Now is it just me or is it really much more fun if that kind of crap is left out of the fight? Once again thank you all it was a blast. Can’t wait for the next fight!
This is my last post like this; we need a shard reporter to call the play-by-play or just to give updates on how the battles go. Its fun telling about these battles but for me it is also hard, I am a construction worker trying to type with big fingers, spell correctly (thank god for spell checker) and use words to not offend anyone if at all possible. I know there are many who can do a much better job at this than I can. I will still respond in our threads just no more stories. (I bet some if not most everyone is happy to hear this) :)
Paragraphs Skull!!!!! :danceb: