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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Where do tehy come from? How are they made?

I have a carpenter but can only find kegs in the menu. How do you make Barrels?

Lord Patapon

There was a time where you could use an empty pitcher to empty the water in the barrels at the stables and such.

This might be one place from where they come from, but there's a lot around, so, there might be other ways to get those.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Tinkers make them I believe.
You need barrel staves (3 I think), rings (2 sets) and one barrel lid. The tinker can combine them into an open barrel. The closed barrels are taken from dungeons I think.

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
the larger barrels are taken from docks around the npc cities, the half barrels from stables, if they have water in them you can remove it with an empty pitcher. Carpenters can make kegs but they are much smaller than the stolen npc versions.


the closed one spawn in t2a in lizardmen-camps isntead of chests like in orc-camps in britannia

Stupid Miner

Water-filled or empty, fill it with a pitcher of water, then draw it back again with the pitcher.


You can also just pick up the locked and trapped ones that spawn with gypsy, brigand, etc. camps. You'll still have to unlock and untrap them, but once that's done you have free open barrels, plus whatever loot is in them.

Stupid Miner

You can also just pick up the locked and trapped ones that spawn with gypsy, brigand, etc. camps. You'll still have to unlock and untrap them, but once that's done you have free open barrels, plus whatever loot is in them.
They don't make un-openable barrels anymore.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
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The stable in brits castle walls has a load of the tubs and a few barrels that can be emptied then picked up as a container. The true rare is plp that have them (tubs/barrels) empty and not showing as a container. Only empty water tubs and barrels locked down in a house as deco at the time of change show as empty none container. Once filled and emptied they are like all others. think of how few people had empties locked as deco and kept them. Been about 4 years about they changed.

I remember the random tub that would spawn along the road in Delucia. Was a real prize at the time.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
LS As you went up the road from the bank it turns toward the gate. The hill there on the right on the West edge it would spawn many years ago. For the longest time Tubs had not been a container.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The stable in brits castle walls has a load of the tubs and a few barrels that can be emptied then picked up as a container. The true rare is plp that have them (tubs/barrels) empty and not showing as a container. Only empty water tubs and barrels locked down in a house as deco at the time of change show as empty none container. Once filled and emptied they are like all others. think of how few people had empties locked as deco and kept them. Been about 4 years about they changed.

I remember the random tub that would spawn along the road in Delucia. Was a real prize at the time.
I saved four of each, I like weird things. I also have bone containers and a basket that don't show as holding items.


Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya big collector here also. One my prized oops is the leather cap with mage armor mod on it. And then there was the green title clothing that can be Toku dyed. There will be few green title hats about that are imbueded ubers and dyed an off color. Reminds me to find that bag of green skullcaps I have someplace.


Haha, I've been holding on to a fishing pole I made with a runic saw when ML first came out that says "Intelligence Bonus 0". I don't know if it has any value, but it's always fun to find oopses :D

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I never thought to try to imbuing a fishing pole. Did anyone try that during open beta? And if they do imbue don't get to froggy on the uber poles. The glitch is still out there when disarming a pole it vannishes. Think it is some ghost in the machine from when tools wear out. They break but don't vannish till disarmed. Lost my newb pole on that glitch and thought it a blessed thing newb related. Then lost an insured blaze dyed runic made pole. So far the acquired from begging unisured bow has not poofed. I use a pally archer fisher so I disarm a lot. Whoever made the Horselord Yumi was someone that likes combat fishing.