Can you craft lockable barrels? That doesn't appear to be crafted (no tag).
We used to carry lockable crates b/c u can put valuables inside for safe keepings.
Open crate, put bag inside, open bag, lock crate. Drag open crate way off the side of your screen not in the way.
You can place items inside the bag & take items out of the bag at will as long as you don't close the bag.
If you close the bag by accident, just pull the open crate back over & click on the bag to reopen it.
This allows 100% thief proof spawning in Fel. Just drop your scrolls/pinks in the bag
No one can open the crate to look/get into your bag.
Only way to get your scrolls/pinks is if u die. Just dont die
Maybe they're using barrels b/c whatever "macro" they have set for their para crate would get confused?