Posted a wonderful huge page long response, but I guess it took too long to write it so timed out. I'm so not going through that again.
So Here's what I can remember in no particular order.
Why 1 mastery at a time?
It is my thought that if two people of equal skill were to dedicate the same time and effort to the same thing they would be equally adept. By the same standard if the same two people in a different situation where the first focused on only one thing, and the second focused on two things. They may both be considered masters at what they do but they will likely not be equal.
I believe that a pure mage should probably be a better mage than a mystic mage, or a necro mage. Hence a Bard can go ahead and max skills in every one of their bard abilities, but they will be best at their focus ability.
Though I do like the idea of posibly adding some multi discipline abilities to future iterations of the bard mastery system I would still want masteries to be geared towards focusing.
The mastery system takes a step away from the template for all seasons. Any of the abilities will be useful, though they may not be the best for the situation.
To Party or Not to Party?
The beneficial bard abilities can augment the effectiveness of their party members. You don't have to party, you can keep the benefits all to yourself. Though I'm sure any group would be very appreciative for any of the beneficial abilities. At the same time, if you're just out for yourself you may appreciate the extra survivability.
Not to mention the ability to outdamage most casters in game for short periods or if you prefer, feed off the damage that anyone else is doing to your target.
Side Notes:
Bard abilities should only be cancelled by using the same skill as the mastery focus. (ie Using provocation will cancel Inspire and Invigorate, but not any of the other abilities)(If you want to Discord and Despair it'll take 2 Bards)
You can stop an active ability by recasting it. (This will be 0 cast time, 0 mana cost)
Bards interupt threshold is lower for PvP damage than PvM damage.
(In PvP with all 70's anything under 6th circle or a heavy pain strike probably won't interupt the bard. In PvM closer to flame strike or a high damage armour ignore.)
So you can stand in the corner if you like, I'll be out there swinging away.
All bard abilities are affected by LMC.
Quests: Most easily accomplished walking around moonglow or haven
Random responses:
I did not make a mistake in coding. It is my intent that switching between masteries requires more effort and thought than using a soul stone or changing equipment.
If a bard wants to max provocation thats a 240 skill point investment
If a mage wants to max magery thats a 240 skill point investment
If a provo bard wants to max discord thats a 360 skill point investment
If a mage wants to max necro thats a 480 skill point investment
Currently the only benefit to adding a secondary bard skill is that you can use that skill without interrupting your mastery abilities in the other skill.
These make for some powerful combinations but I'll wait a few weeks for players to figure out the ramifications of combining skills and abilities. Maybe its OP maybe they could use some more tweaks.
Mountain goats: My Bad. I forgot about them.
Having to use Different rabbits and healers: Really?
Casting Not Interrupting Bards: ( Yeah that would take about 2 seconds before it had to be nerfed)
It's not what you can do. It's what you can do with it.