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Banner from new legacy


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Okay I know a lot of people , including me, were not that excited when new legacy was announced. But after reading back at some things I see that there will be non shard bound items and legacy items that can be transferred to production shards after the shattering.

One idea that I like is the banner that you customize to your character ,your surname or family coat of arms . Cool idea and I would like it on my home shard in my house.
I did not see where it said that this would be transferrable or if it stays on new legacy .
Banners , statues , engraved swords or shields would be neat house deco for anybody.

Did anyone see that? Or is it too early and the uo team has not announced it ?


Stratics Veteran
Biggest problem I see is if you already got 7 characters on your main shard. You cannot transfer from legacy in that case. If they allow EJ accounts on legacy, you might transfer the items at least if you buy a transfer token.


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Biggest problem I see is if you already got 7 characters on your main shard. You cannot transfer from legacy in that case. If they allow EJ accounts on legacy, you might transfer the items at least if you buy a transfer token.
If you can start a NL character on your main account, and it's a 14 year account...
1. Send the NL character to a shard you have a shield transfer token for that isn't your main.
2. Send one of your 7 main to that shard with at least 1 token for the return trip.
3. Bring the stuff back, either on the character you transferred over, or by sending the NL character to your main shard, putting the stuff in your house, then sending it back somewhere else (say, Atlantic) before bringing the character you moved in step 2 home.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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If you can start a NL character on your main account, and it's a 14 year account...
1. Send the NL character to a shard you have a shield transfer token for that isn't your main.
2. Send one of your 7 main to that shard with at least 1 token for the return trip.
3. Bring the stuff back, either on the character you transferred over, or by sending the NL character to your main shard, putting the stuff in your house, then sending it back somewhere else (say, Atlantic) before bringing the character you moved in step 2 home.
What a pain... and for what? A trinket item after a year if you are lucky?

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
i wish they would not of decided to make this new shard, it wont bring new people, it will take people from home shards away, at least for awhile, like we need this. some will not be happy if this new shards gets special treatment. and most of all, existing problems in the game wont get fixed, like vender search lol. devs need to scrap the new shard and focus on improving game, make things fair between the two clients, and stop the cheating. they did some great improvement to regular cc which was fantastic, like auto dress and open corpse ect... the dev should work on something/program for cc similar to pincos/ec. or make one legal. maybe a map program too. wonder about vet rewards still, and its very close to jan now. this new shard reminds me of KR for some reason lol.


Crazed Zealot
i wish they would not of decided to make this new shard, it wont bring new people, it will take people from home shards away, at least for awhile, like we need this. some will not be happy if this new shards gets special treatment. and most of all, existing problems in the game wont get fixed, like vender search lol. devs need to scrap the new shard and focus on improving game, make things fair between the two clients, and stop the cheating. they did some great improvement to regular cc which was fantastic, like auto dress and open corpse ect... the dev should work on something/program for cc similar to pincos/ec. or make one legal. maybe a map program too. wonder about vet rewards still, and its very close to jan now. this new shard reminds me of KR for some reason lol.
I agree with all your points.
However, it looks like they may be responding to many or a number of player requests for something like this, including the PvP part of the "Legacy" vaporware. Also the fact that people wanted something not affected as much by the bloat and corruption in the game right now, causing the end of the year wipeout of the "Legacy".
So not a really horrible idea by itself, but more like "You asked for it, now here it comes". I would 100% agree that the "Legacy" is bottom priority to devote time on, and far far better time investment on their part would be to try to fix the bugs and issues with the clients and in game right now, and AFTER these are fixed, then think about "Legacy" and what to do with it etc.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
New Lemon will end up being detrimental to all existing shards. It already is..... Merry Christmas UO, here is your NON gift. We are too busy making vaporware while we churn out rehued and rehased events with table legs to match the ones you already toss in the bin when fishing or here, have some snow on a hedge and we will call it new content. The new 'engine' to run stuff is just gonna be a thing used to churn out cookie cutter dungeons, of ice now, of fire next time, maybe we will get a different color lump of granite called fire lava (just granite made orange) Yeah !!!!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
What a pain... and for what? A trinket item after a year if you are lucky?
New Lemon will end up being detrimental to all existing shards. It already is..... Merry Christmas UO, here is your NON gift. We are too busy making vaporware while we churn out rehued and rehased events with table legs to match the ones you already toss in the bin when fishing or here, have some snow on a hedge and we will call it new content. The new 'engine' to run stuff is just gonna be a thing used to churn out cookie cutter dungeons, of ice now, of fire next time, maybe we will get a different color lump of granite called fire lava (just granite made orange) Yeah !!!!

I actually agree o.0 .

There isn't a very strong chance I play a new shard much where I have to start from scratch (will heavily depend on the ruleset) just to get a different colored item to lock down in my house.

This is also what I was kind of fearing when they introduced the "dynamic" systems so they can focus on their pet project. It does allow them to drop things in easier which should give us more "new" content but to @MissEcho point it's basically just cookie cutter and all we are really getting is the same 2 pieces of content reskinned as <insert champ name> and Treasures of <insert dungeon/spawn name>.

I'm hoping that the Devs are at least learning from the feedback on these 2 styled events and tweak them rather than set it and forget it while they work on the idea of the new shard. I think it will heavily depend on the rewards because I think overall Deceit was well done but Ice was a huge let down so the Devs will need to give some useful stuff rather than recycled table legs and a talisman with only 2 properties. Hopefully they do something about the champ spawn too so that it's not played out by the second week for those that don't care about random pieces of decoration.

Unfortunately I think that all the attention they are giving to the new shard has pretty much closed the book any other improvements to the current production shard content like adding new Doom/Shadowguard artifacts (ie what's the point of doing Doom anymore if you have what you need) or adding a new tameable. Basically just something different that would resurrect some of the older content simply by adding a few new items. I just think that with the new tools (and focusing on the new shard) they won't even consider this now.


Stratics Veteran
New Lemon will end up being detrimental to all existing shards. It already is..... Merry Christmas UO, here is your NON gift. We are too busy making vaporware while we churn out rehued and rehased events with table legs to match the ones you already toss in the bin when fishing or here, have some snow on a hedge and we will call it new content. The new 'engine' to run stuff is just gonna be a thing used to churn out cookie cutter dungeons, of ice now, of fire next time, maybe we will get a different color lump of granite called fire lava (just granite made orange) Yeah !!!!
New Lemon? Nice! :D

What about "New Lunacy"...:)

And don't forget, beside the "Same Old, New Hue", the mile long names With All Capitalized Words...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Might not be a problem anyway. It's all vaporware at the moment, as far as I am concerned.
Remember when they announced KR it took them what, 4 years to finally do it?
Exactly! Over a year into development and all we have is "we're going to do some stuff, and there's going to be some things". After a year, there should be 1) a solid project plan 2) demo'able features 3) a project timeline/release schedule. NL at this point is nothing more than a stack of notes scribbled down on the bathroom wall of Broadsword right next to an epic dirty limerick of Messana.
New Lemon will end up being detrimental to all existing shards. It already is..... Merry Christmas UO, here is your NON gift. We are too busy making vaporware while we churn out rehued and rehased events with table legs to match the ones you already toss in the bin when fishing or here, have some snow on a hedge and we will call it new content. The new 'engine' to run stuff is just gonna be a thing used to churn out cookie cutter dungeons, of ice now, of fire next time, maybe we will get a different color lump of granite called fire lava (just granite made orange) Yeah !!!!
You should consider quitting UO your negativity is not needed.
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You all need to remember that this game is run on a skeleton crew. Only 5 or 6 people and one coder out of them. Rest is Boss, tester, and two artists.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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You all need to remember that this game is run on a skeleton crew. Only 5 or 6 people and one coder out of them. Rest is Boss, tester, and two artists.
No one cares about the excuses when they continually ignore game-breaking issues... and claim they can't reproduce them when we can in 5 min... and have offered again and again to SHOW them... and still they refuse... it's not an excuse anymore... it's just they don't care...


Stratics Veteran
This reminds me of the Cyberpunk furore, too many bugs they said, nothing really game breaking I said.


Stratics Veteran
You all need to remember that this game is run on a skeleton crew. Only 5 or 6 people and one coder out of them. Rest is Boss, tester, and two artists.
This excuse is getting old. Doom was made by 6 people. Stardew Valley was done by ONE guy, and then he got translators etc for the rest. There are plenty of games out there that are done by smaller teams.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This excuse is getting old. Doom was made by 6 people. Stardew Valley was done by ONE guy, and then he got translators, etc for the rest. There are plenty of games out there that are done by smaller teams.
Not only is the excuse getting old - along with the "but COVID" response - but it's just plain wrong. A team this size could still produce more than they currently are with proper scheduling and management. I struggle to believe there is any structure over there to the way the team is run. I'm sure Bonnie changes priorities frequently, fails to sprint plan appropriately, and just plain can't handle the 30,000ft view of the product