A bank sitter walks up to The Goblin It Up Ice Cream Bar Counter and asks, "I'd like two scoops of chocolate ice cream, please."
The goblin behind the counter replied, "Mees very sorry, sir, but wees noos habes chocolatz dis morning. Maybeez yoos habe Vanilluz ice cream."
"In that case," the bank sitter continued, "I'll have two scoops of chocolate ice cream."
"Yoos noos undrstandz, sir," the goblin says. "Wees noos habe chocolatz. Maybez yoos have Strawzberee ice cream?"
"Then just give me some chocolate," the bank sitter insists.
Getting ready to bite the bank sitter, the frustrated goblin asked, "Maybez mees noos undrtandz yoos? Sir, willz yoos spellz 'van,' as in 'vanillaz?'"
The man spells, "V A N."
"Nowz spell 'straw,' as in 'strawzberee.'"
"OK. S-T-R-A-W."
"Nowz," the goblin asked, "spellz 'stink,' as in chocolate."
The bank sitter hesitates, then confused, replied, "There is no stink in chocolate."
"DATS WATZ I BEN TRYINZ TOOS TELLZ YOOS!" the goblin screamed!
The goblin behind the counter replied, "Mees very sorry, sir, but wees noos habes chocolatz dis morning. Maybeez yoos habe Vanilluz ice cream."
"In that case," the bank sitter continued, "I'll have two scoops of chocolate ice cream."
"Yoos noos undrstandz, sir," the goblin says. "Wees noos habe chocolatz. Maybez yoos have Strawzberee ice cream?"
"Then just give me some chocolate," the bank sitter insists.
Getting ready to bite the bank sitter, the frustrated goblin asked, "Maybez mees noos undrtandz yoos? Sir, willz yoos spellz 'van,' as in 'vanillaz?'"
The man spells, "V A N."
"Nowz spell 'straw,' as in 'strawzberee.'"
"OK. S-T-R-A-W."
"Nowz," the goblin asked, "spellz 'stink,' as in chocolate."
The bank sitter hesitates, then confused, replied, "There is no stink in chocolate."
"DATS WATZ I BEN TRYINZ TOOS TELLZ YOOS!" the goblin screamed!