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Bane Dragons reverting on test


Stratics Veteran
Good evening all.. some of my friends have been coming to me saying their bane dragons are reverting on test ..these are the pre pub 97 ones but didn;t start training until pub 98(the ones that started during pub 97 were effected by slot jump bug and lost a lvl of training).. so they got 2 lvls of training or 3k points.. most have been around 600-650HP range 150 stam 700-800mana , 20 hp Reg ,(some with like 5 stam regen), 30 mana regen, Normal resistance caps, 700 str , 150 dex, 125-130ish int, 22-33/34 base(ui bug can make it say one of other..hehe) all 120s skills for most.. some did not train magery or eval.. all had armor ignore... almost had some other 2nd move... These were lvled normally by these players but have been seeing reverts on test.. if ya will if any of you have trained banes..log on to test with a copy and say if it reverted or not.. and post either a pic or written list of its stats on live.. even if it didn't revert please post its stats so we can limit this happening and see what might be causing it.. thank you all.. =^-^=
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Prince Erik

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Copied over my tamer and my bane doesn't quite fit the mold as it's an un-trained bane (but fully "skilled"). For what it's worth it did not lose any of its trained skills and is still at 3=>5

All my pets are exactly the same (phew) - at least at this point!


Stratics Veteran
Thanks Erik, its good to know the untrained one are not being effected at all.. had some that worred that they might be .. =^-^=


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Went to TC with one of my Tamers who's been working up a Bane So the top row in the picture is a CuSidhe she has been working on that I'm fairly sure I released and retamed because it was 4 slots instead of 3... then the Bane she's been working to train up... As they are on GLs right now... Transferred them to TC1 and the bottom row is the same two the Cu and the Bane on TC do not see any changes to either pet.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
What is the maximum imbue allowed for legit banes?
Could be useful to know to avoid buying a clearly exploited one.

20 20 30 regens
1000 hits 1000 mana and full leg scrolls + special + aoe + necromage would be an exploited pet.