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Bane Dragons now 3 slots on test!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Took my Bane Dragon over to test. He is not 3 Slots instead of 4 slots. Glad I've been waiting to train the Bane. Two rounds of improvement instead of 1 now.


Stratics Veteran
Took my Bane Dragon over to test. He is not 3 Slots instead of 4 slots. Glad I've been waiting to train the Bane. Two rounds of improvement instead of 1 now.
Please test it for reverts. A lot of the legacy pets are prone to reverting. So a reverted bane would lose stats, regens and resists and revert to a 4 slot.


Stratics Veteran
Fine Work Zalan, Mine have also turned back to a 3 slot.. They may of fixed the legacy bug... When Pub 97 hit there was a bug that made almost all legacy pets , banes, dreads, mare, ww, dragons, etc , jump a slot.. I'm hopeful this is a fix to that.. . but the ones I've already taken to 5 slot have not.( like one of my banes =* [)... so far the bane I have taken to 5 slot have not reverted back.. if possible I need someone with a untrained dread steed to try this and le me know what they get as well.. I will keep ya posted on this bane.. =^-^=
Last edited:


Stratics Veteran
I can test with a dreadmare later today. Legacy Nightmares, last I checked a few days ago are not reverting, however legacy 3 slot dragons and 1 slot hellcats are still.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Dread on GLs
Dread on TC:
Bane on GLs:
Bane on TC:

I'm VERY happy if this stays!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I think you mean Wonderfully Happy. I'm going to have to feed you.
LOL Right I am Wonderfully Happy I'd like to remain that way when this publish goes live....


Stratics Veteran
Been looking into the math behind this... If you have a bane or dread don't start the new taming system on them on live... their huge stats cause a slot jump to 4.. they are affected by the slot jump bug from the start.. that's why they have 3 slot on test as the anti slot jump code is on there... so as long as ya don't start the new system on live.. your dreads and banes will get 2 lvls of training on live. when the pub hits that is.. sadly if you have started the training bar on live there is a good chance you will not get 2 lvls of training..but I need people who have already started the training bar but have not invested points to make copies to test and see if it reverts to 3 slot from 4 please and let us know as I don't have any to test that on live to test... ..thanks everyone and I look forward to the good word.. =^-^=


Stratics Veteran
Oh dont even tell me this ****.. What a bullsh..t..
Legacy pets are dam rare and this will make even more of them complete trash in few more weeks because a lot off ppl trained them already..

If they were affected by the jump bug then they should get free level even after they have been trained on live and if not? I will be pissed off again and I will probably stop playing again because it took me a lot of days and courage to train my old awesome bane and if these untrained will get one more level for free? Then i just lost my most favourit pet...

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
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If you have legacy untrained CU, it will start from 4 slots in case you start training after p98 release.


Stratics Veteran
Oh dont even tell me this ****.. What a bullsh..t..
Legacy pets are dam rare and this will make even more of them complete trash in few more weeks because a lot off ppl trained them already..

If they were affected by the jump bug then they should get free level even after they have been trained on live and if not? I will be pissed off again and I will probably stop playing again because it took me a lot of days and courage to train my old awesome bane and if these untrained will get one more level for free? Then i just lost my most favourit pet...

You didnt lose your most favorite pet, it's still your most favorite pet, it just will be a little less min max'd than others.


Seasoned Veteran
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I already trained one of my Bane Dragons. I am sorry to say that I lost him to the mysterious void of missing pets. I know I was riding him when I got disconnected. When I finally got back on, which was just a few minutes, he was gone and I was on foot. No follower showed and he was not in my stables. So I have not logged back in since. If they ever find out where these pets go and fix it, I will start playing again.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I'll never understand why they don't just put Banes and Dreads in the stinking game permanently ..... Mesanna says she's more into permanence yet by not giving us a place to tame these two all the time it's like talking BS. Granted she wasn't the producer who gave us Dreads... and to be technical we "supposedly" weren't supposed to be able to tame them... but in all reality they aren't that wonderous... Banes are better now given the poison that they do but still a good 2 slot dread or a Naj is probably better... so I still fail to understand why we can't get them.

Other than old players get butt hurt over putting stuff like this back in game... but whoopee... Fact is new players and such can not only not afford them at all but this is stupid... I'd rather be able to tame them again... I've always said now that they destroyed Blackthorns Castle in Illsh they ought to put the Bane or the Vanguard there...


Crazed Zealot
Hmm I dont think there were any 2 slot dread horses/mares if that is what you mean. I think they may have been 4? I havent owned one for a while. The one I had I sold for 20M cause I needed $, then a week later looking at the boards found that they normally sold back then at 450M. Probably now I bet they worth much less than that due to sliding into obsolescence by the new pet system. I did not do my homework well and I am to blame. Anyways I bet now they are not as valuable. But they are still one of the rare items in UO since they do not spawn, and probably decoration mostly. Banes is another story -- this one would be awesome as a 3 slot pet, that could be considered to come back in the game, with some benefit to the game overall, new event that would bring banes back, and spike more interest in taming, but make it even more challenging to tame and own a bane dragon or another NEW similar creature that is also rideable. I can see the last one happening, but down the line.


Grand Poobah
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Been looking into the math behind this... If you have a bane or dread don't start the new taming system on them on live... their huge stats cause a slot jump to 4.. they are affected by the slot jump bug from the start.. that's why they have 3 slot on test as the anti slot jump code is on there... so as long as ya don't start the new system on live.. your dreads and banes will get 2 lvls of training on live. when the pub hits that is.. sadly if you have started the training bar on live there is a good chance you will not get 2 lvls of training..but I need people who have already started the training bar but have not invested points to make copies to test and see if it reverts to 3 slot from 4 please and let us know as I don't have any to test that on live to test... ..thanks everyone and I look forward to the good word.. =^-^=
This is hilarious, so those of us that DID train these pets live before we knew about this, are now screwed right ? LOL but everyone else, you're now safe to train yours, because some of us did the dirty work for you, and got the shaft because of it...nice.


Stratics Veteran
This is hilarious, so those of us that DID train these pets live before we knew about this, are now screwed right ? LOL but everyone else, you're now safe to train yours, because some of us did the dirty work for you, and got the shaft because of it...nice.
Actually I would call the dirty work being on test center constantly testing things. That is dirty work.

You could have realized that the tamer patch would have adjustments or bug fixes after publish and save your non-replaceable pets to train for when the system was more stable. Just the fact that they are still fine tuning abilities says maybe you should wait. I say this as an owner of several 16-18 year old nightmares, several bane dragons and a dreadmare. I waited and have been testing and testing and testing on test center to make sure after patch these pets won't revert once patch hits, and if I think there is a possibility they might... I will continue to wait.

The Dev's mentioned that slot jumping was a bug they were looking into, the fact that the training gump tells you immediately your pet would increase a slot tells you something.

Secondly... would you want a Dev fix, if there could even be one. After testing the training reverts extensively on test center, it's apparent they do not keep the pets original stats in the database. The legacy pets who reverted were all randomly given new stats, so a 4.2 might end up as a 1.6 once reverted.

New tame or old we all currently take risks when we hit begin pet training. What about the pvpers and their 120 scrolled out teleporting dismount nightmares. How useful are those now... the Phoenixes?


Stratics Veteran
Good morning, Don't lose heart anyone that has already trained your bane or dread steed.... its ture they may not be as max as they could be but they are still pretyy epic pets.. the bane is the only pet that has a smart offensive attack that counters being attack.. and even the one lvl of training one are pretty amazing... In the mean time.. I would focus on buying new ones as they are only 50 millish on most shards ... and just hold on to it until the pub lands.... they are still living rares even if they only have 1 lvl of training ..... keep heart.. I have a feeling we might seem them for a short time in the wild soon.. but we will see.. ^_~

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Been looking into the math behind this... If you have a bane or dread don't start the new taming system on them on live... their huge stats cause a slot jump to 4.. they are affected by the slot jump bug from the start.. that's why they have 3 slot on test as the anti slot jump code is on there... so as long as ya don't start the new system on live.. your dreads and banes will get 2 lvls of training on live. when the pub hits that is.. sadly if you have started the training bar on live there is a good chance you will not get 2 lvls of training..but I need people who have already started the training bar but have not invested points to make copies to test and see if it reverts to 3 slot from 4 please and let us know as I don't have any to test that on live to test... ..thanks everyone and I look forward to the good word.. =^-^=
I have a bane dragon I started the process on, but never trained. It is at 0.00 and is a 4 slot. I copied him to test several days ago. I took him out last night and he is still a 4 slot. :( BUT, I will recopy him tomorrow, and see if he turns into a 3 slot with the fresh copy. I am afraid that he will be stuck as a 4 though. I will post the outcome after I recopy.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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As much as I would love to see Banes and Dreads again. Mesanna said no in a town hall meeting when I asked about the return of them.

Prince Erik

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I'll probably wait for a year or two before I train my bane since I'm sure this won't be the last "adjustment" to taming masteries or pet abilities. Maybe when the next subsystem gets an overhaul and the attention is elsewhere I'll dig him out and pick something . ;)


Slightly Crazed
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I'll probably wait for a year or two before I train my bane since I'm sure this won't be the last "adjustment" to taming masteries or pet abilities. Maybe when the next subsystem gets an overhaul and the attention is elsewhere I'll dig him out and pick something . ;)
Yeah, I am not touching mine either. Although, it took them a year and a half to "balance" Consume, so the wait for "no more nerfs" might be infinite.
My other consideration is that even at 3 slots, the Bane is point deficient compared to a number of non-rare pets out there. So why risk ruining a rare pet to make something inferior to widely available pets.