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Bane Dragons current prices? and what shards have them?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What are the current prices on Bane Dragons? What shards have them?

Back in the day I tamed one. The pet is now a completed project. So, I'm making an Archer tamer and want to acquire another one. Besides, feeding it black rock stew is there any difference between Banes and Dread Mares? Other than the graphics.


Bane dragons stopped spawning in 2011 on all shards. Prices may vary from 80m to 150m for an untrained one. I’ve bought 5 banes 2-3 months ago for less than 550m on Atl.


I have a couple banes on Atlantic, a few on legends and a couple of toons stables full on Balhea. Im thinking about rounding them all up and selling one of these days... probably sitting on a small fortune given the market.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you decide to sell one on Legends let me know.