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Bane dragon question


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does training a bane with the special move poison breath or venomous bite stack with their passive poison breath and fireball?


Stratics Veteran
Good morning Dlo88, I would avoid the poison breath on them as the passive of a bane not only nagates a small amount of damging attacks and/or debuffs.. but also fires a ball of damage that poisons what it hits(plus the large amounts of pvp nerfs to breath have made it a shadow of its former glory)... the combo of the passive and bite not only gives it range and melee cleve but it also insures the uptime of the poisons melting areas and forcing the npcs in the area into a defensive stance lowering the over all damage they do to your pet and you...While it will not over write a poison that is already on a mob it will insure the mob remains poisoned forcing it to use spells and skills that would of been a damaging attack to your pet or you to instead keep curing itself making this combo not only offensive but extremely defensive too..( The damaging part of the passive still makes contact even if the mob is poisoned when its proced). The main bonus of using a breath or bite combo on them is that they passively will GM your banes poison skill making it sync up with its magery.
The 2 highest damage specs Ive tested with banes are the Goo , armor ignore, magery and the V. bite, armor ignore, magery .. Both are nearly neck and neck.. but I do find that when facing a spawn that is not poison immune the V.bite bane dragon does pull ahead on over all damage per sec.. if you like I do have a fully trained 120ed out bane I would gladly let you test drive on test... just let me know if ya would like to meet there and give her a go.. I hope this helped mate.. if ya have anymore questions feel free to post or message me.. =^-^=
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