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Balhae May 10th at 9 PM ET


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Sometime ago I asked about placing an annex at a city's docks for
The Professional Bountyhunter Quests offered by G.B. Bigglesby,
who can be found in the Floating Emporium and also offered by the
officer of the Zento docks

I keep my ship in waters near Jhelom for the Salty sea quest and
I cannot do the other quest unless I set sail for the Floating Emporium
as there is no recalling to there where as you can recall to the other
location to complete the quest.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
I will assume there is no meeting, Lord Cutbow was there 8 minutes early and no one showed up, we all left.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lol It is Summer and some of us were smart enough to be vaccinated so we can go do stuff finally!

The forums are also pretty dead.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I will assume there is no meeting, Lord Cutbow was there 8 minutes early and no one showed up, we all left.
They wrote this in the newsletter:

"We unfortunately no longer have the services of our in game Japanese translator. With that said, until further notice, we are going to have to stop all Meet and Greets on the Japanese shards until we can come up with a solution so we might be able to meet and talk with the Japanese players."

Maybe that goes for the Korean shards as well.

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
They wrote this in the newsletter:

"We unfortunately no longer have the services of our in game Japanese translator. With that said, until further notice, we are going to have to stop all Meet and Greets on the Japanese shards until we can come up with a solution so we might be able to meet and talk with the Japanese players."

Maybe that goes for the Korean shards as well.
I think Korean is different to Japanese, even though they look alike. I’m sure what you have stated is not politically correct.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think Korean is different to Japanese, even though they look alike. I’m sure what you have stated is not politically correct.

Korea was under Japanese rule until 1945. It is not politically correct to say they are the same. Different languages and writing along with many other things. I do believe that the development team has lump all the east Asian shards together. It would being saying all the European shards are the same language and all the Americans shards are the same language witch we know is not the case.

The transitory could have been the same person there are people that can read, write and speak in many different languages.

The Dev team does not have the best PR department (if they even have one) but then its only them plus the EMs.

I still don't know why this day in age we don't have built in translater in the chat system.

But the point is the team are Americans and they believe there number one and every one else should bow to them. At lest that is what Mesanna wants.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
I still don't know why this day in age we don't have built in translater in the chat system.
I have an early memory of there being a translation system in UO. Long time ago.. But it was very bad.
Maybe it was a different game?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I have an early memory of there being a translation system in UO. Long time ago.. But it was very bad.
Maybe it was a different game?
No, I have memories of that too... but then way back when NPCs used to answer questions if you asked them stuff too...