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Balanced on 2 handed weapons?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
So, I was sitting here contemplating a few things about the new expansion. I was reading the list of items needed for imbuing and what you could imbue. I noticed that balanced was a property that could be imbued on bows and that got me thinking.

Why just bows? Wouldn't it be nice if it could be imbued on all 2 handed weapons. If nothing else, shouldn't balanced be a roll for crafting staves with a runic saw?

Obviously this would be desired by Samurai's. I can only really think of the upside of this change and how it might revitalize dexxers a bit.

What would be the downside to this change?

Your thoughts & comments on adding the balanced property to more items would be appreciated.


PS I haven't seen a post on this since the expansion. The topic might have been covered before, but I missed it if it was.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Wasn't balanced put in place because there are no one handed bows?
exactly and you cant parry with a bow

While there might not be any one handed bows, you still shouldn't be able to parry with a ranged weapon. IMO

Just seems that a dexxer would benefit more from a balanced weapon. Most archers aren't up close to do damage. It isn't that big a deal to drop a bow drink a pot and re-equip. It does restart your timer for taking a shot, but swing speed is comparable on 2 handed weapons vs most bows.

I know you can Parry with 2 handed weapons, but does making them balanced really unbalance the game?


The Fallout

*Most* not all, two handed weapons are too slow to be useful. Adding the balanced perk would be fine.

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
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Stratics Legend
Obviously this would be desired by Samurai's. I can only really think of the upside of this change and how it might revitalize dexxers a bit.
A Samurai with 120/120 (Bushido/Parry) has a 40% chance to block with a two-handed weapon and a 35% chance with a one-handed weapon. This is a small sacrifice to bieng able to use potions. It is fine the way it is now.

*Most* not all, two handed weapons are too slow to be useful. Adding the balanced perk would be fine.
What is considered "too slow"? There are a handful of slow ones, but hardly enough to say most of them. If too slow is > or = 3.75, then there are 5 out of 36 (war hammer, bardiche, halbred, large battle axe, and paladin sword), this does not include any new gargoyle only weapons.

Two-Hnaded Melee Weapons (Speed in Seconds @ 0%SSI)
Black Staff 2.75
Gnarled Staff 3.25
Nunchaku 2.5
Quarter Staff 3.25
Shepherd's Crook 2.75
Tessen 2
Tetsubo 2.5
War Hammer 3.75
Axe 3
Bardiche 3.75
Battle Axe 3.5
Bladed Staff 3
Crescent Blade 2.5
Daisho 2.75
Double Axe 3.25
Executioner's Axe 3.25
Halberd 4.25
Hatchet 2.75
Large Battle Axe 3.75
No-Dachi 3.5
Ornate Axe 3.5
Paladin Sword 5
Rune Blade 3
Scythe 3.5
Two Handed Axe 3.5
Dble Bladed Staff 2.25
Elven Spellblade 2.5
Kama 2
Lajatang 3.5
Pike 3
Pitchfork 2.5
Sai 2
Short Spear 2
Spear 2.75
Tekagi 2
War Cleaver 2

Archery Weapons for Comparrision (Speed in Seconds @ 0%SSI)
Bow 4.25
Composite Bow 4
Elven Longbow 4
Magical Shortbow 3
Yumi 4.5
Crossbows 4.5
Heavy Crossbow 5
Repeating xbow 2.75

The average speed of the two-handed weapons is 2.97s, where as the average speed of Archery weapons is 4s and one-handed weapons is 2.91s.

Balanced is fine on bows only.

Stayin Alive,



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd like to see the slow non-used Halberd have a 2 tile distance use (like the old Ultimas). THAT is something that would make them useful or fun. It is so slow as is.


Polearms in general should have an increased range of 2 tiles. After all, it's larger than a club, mace, wand but does not fire missile ammo. I'd love to see this as a change to halberd, bardische, spears at least.

Hmmmm, then again spears could be thrown.


yeah, if you want to see tactics mages with balanced halbreds doing 45-55 dmg a pop, then by all means. . . Ill be one of the first to rock that ****.