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Bake Kitsunes...


Stratics Veteran
Has anyone tried training these up yet? They can have bushido since they are from Tokuno...can they have an Area Skill and a Special Skill (so far I think I like my Cu Sidhe with Goo and Armor Ignore the best).

I have a couple of pre-patch ones...but I'm so hesitant to train them because I like the fact of being able to have something that i can have something that I can fight with two strongish pets at once...but maybe that's over-rated.

I've seen some's thoughts on it, but I think they were from a couple of months ago, and just wondered if anyone has tried training them yet.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have been wondering that myself. Have not ran across anyone in game that runs with a 5 slotter yet so kinda assume they are not that great or something.


Crazed Zealot
One of the main problems: Nor rideable, then the magery aspect, then the slots. Wonder if they use their human form when tamed, during fights.


Stratics Veteran
Have been wondering that myself. Have not ran across anyone in game that runs with a 5 slotter yet so kinda assume they are not that great or something.
I have 5-6 bake in various levels of training including a five slotter (at work so no time to go into it right now, but will give a few points)

As for bushido, they would have to lose their Magery for it.

They don't use the morphing after tamed.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Another pet that needs about 1500 more points. I made one a long time ago. I think I deleted the screen shots it was so bad.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If they stayed away from their targets and cast spells maybe they would be useful. With these starting stats, they should not be 3 slots.
