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[Fishing] Baits.. Are they worth it?

pacific cruiser

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heheh on another note about baits...my thoughts... there worthless to the fisherman.. and i say this due to since i hit 105 and all the crap of not knowing whats going on in the powerscroll rewards /quest thing i decided to go try my hand at catching all the new cool fish in our wonderfull world. i had allready gotten tons of yellow barracudas a few marlins and wife even caught the elusive kingfish, which still eludes me hehe. so i look up location of the new fishes and start to stock my fish while trying to catch those new fish went to doom caught the reaper,went to tel mur caught the fairy salmon, went to shame got the fire fish,went to ishnar caught the autumn dragon fish,went to tokuno caught the Giant koi,went to grave water lake caught the holy mackeral,went to destard caught the summer dragon fish.. all these with no baits!!! the only thing i used a bait for was in the underworld for the cool looking Lava fish i took my lava pole and a 20 use bait and use it all up and caught 3..and the only reason i used the bait there was i had burned up one pole trying to catch something and didnt..I wanted that lava fish!! so my thinking is your gonna catch em easy when your skill dictates it..nuff said on that.. my 2 gold pices worth of a fisherman ramblin:party: FISH ON!!


Lore Keeper
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I don't know what the chances of catching them are without baits... I usually just save up the baits until I get low on certain fish or need a break from questing and then go use them all up. It's nice that some of the fish can be caught in shallow and some deep so I can just pick the one I need to stock up on and have a go at it.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Baits seem to be a fickle thing...

I have tons of yellow barracuda, but have never needed to use any, as I catch barricuda quite regularly anyhow. I have tried some of the othere baits, and never caught anything with em.

For example, the autumn dragon fish in Ish, I can use up a 40 bait and not get a single dragon fish. But yet other times, I can go to Ish, fish a bit and pull up 2 or 3 without using any bait at all.

This all with my fishing skill being between 100 or 105. I've run into the same thing with other baits. I have NOT seen any increase in chance of a fish by using the bait. Like most things, it seems to depend on whether RNG is happy with you that particular day. And boy, do I usually seem to keep RNG PO'd. LOL