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bah a pox upon you all


Stratics Veteran
Took me 3 days baja! 3 days to sort and pack my stuff. And now you cause me such misery with these posts!


*storms into house*
*mutters profanities*
*kicks moving crate*

I should make you all pack my stuff!!!!

Be back in a bit.

Legends is ok. but the stygian abyss houses have no teleporters!
And they charge rent for luna vendor houses!

Noble Beast

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Welcome back! I am glad that you decided to stay. I have been too busy on other characters to get my elf to meet and, hopefully, join you-she shares many of your views. I was delighted to see this post. *smiles*

We will see you in Baja's Sosaria!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't get it. You're not leaving or you're coming back?