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back to UO


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
The good news for returning players is that the professions forums (in stratics) is very helpful and full of info and UOGuide also appears to be back up and running. There will be tons of info you can gather from these 2 spots. Welcome back!


I came back about one year ago after a long hiatus of about 10 years. I'm having loads of fun. You're right; there is a lot to learn. Thankfully UO Guide is back on-line, and there are some good resources here and the UO wiki as well.
If you're on LS, ask in general chat; you will often get good answers. I'm not sure about other shards, as I only play LS.


Welcome back :) I returned too 4-5 months ago after maybe 15 years :D I have to say it's a blast :) There are alot of haters around, but well, of course there are issues, but UO still remains by far the best game around since ages :D I return for nostalgia thinking to stay a month or so just to hang around in places I still have strong memories (I know ... are pixels, but we who played in the first years of UO maybe know what I'm saying :D), but I was sucked like there's no tomorrow :D


thx all, and yes i have to learn a lot :) uo is fantastic, but luck of many things... ho well i wanna enjoy it again


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Welcome back I do not see the shard you playing on. If you are on Sonoma feel free to call on me or any PAS member for assist.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Atlantic shard
Well when you tired of all the people and wish for open spaces, check some of the other shards. Myself I call Sonoma home as that is where mine house is placed, BUT I play across several shards, so do not limit yourself to just one shard. For Atlantic there is a really good guild there called United We Fight. I have people in that guild and when I can I hang out there for their events. Have fun!


Well when you tired of all the people and wish for open spaces, check some of the other shards. Myself I call Sonoma home as that is where mine house is placed, BUT I play across several shards, so do not limit yourself to just one shard. For Atlantic there is a really good guild there called United We Fight. I have people in that guild and when I can I hang out there for their events. Have fun!
thank you very much for your suggestions! I will make good use of it


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
If Atlantic turns out to be too frantic (really hard/expensive to place a house)...consider Great Lakes...friendly people, still active and lots of places to place an 18x18...especially in Malas.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Last time I played it was very possible to just place a max storage home on Atlantic. It's always been a urban myth that there are no housing spots. I think it's also worth considering whether you got shard shields or not. In the latter case, you will have to spent cash on transfer tokens or beg people with access to shard shields for the next 10+ years to move items from and to Atlantic. Welcome back.

Acid Rain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back, we missed ya :)
ATL FTW Baby ! Haters gonna hate ;)

Housing isnt that bad, it may just take alil time. Dont expect to flop one down in 30mins bc it is crowded in alot of areas but tbh the longest it ever took me to help a guildmate find a max storage spot was like 4-5 days running the world (Fel only) for an hr or 2 daily. So ya, unless u get lucky (which does happen) it’ll prob take a few hours over a couple (to a few) days. Exploring the world is good !
Have fun bro !

chester rockwell

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back, we missed ya :)
ATL FTW Baby ! Haters gonna hate ;)

Housing isnt that bad, it may just take alil time. Dont expect to flop one down in 30mins bc it is crowded in alot of areas but tbh the longest it ever took me to help a guildmate find a max storage spot was like 4-5 days running the world (Fel only) for an hr or 2 daily. So ya, unless u get lucky (which does happen) it’ll prob take a few hours over a couple (to a few) days. Exploring the world is good !
Have fun bro !

When you coming back, homie?? This is outta control!!