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Back in the day


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I remeber back in the day fights would last for hours. there was noone really doin factions. despises would last for hours, i think all of the major guilds should make a non faction guild an make one or 2 days a weekend. Have the huge fights like we used too cause the way we been fighting fighting the first person to put alt chars an mains in stat wins. might be a stupid idea but wouldnt know until we tryed. :popcorn:

Rand Al

Then it would be a numbers/choke-point fighting again. fl won allot of fights cause they could have 15+ people guarding and 6 killing the champ/resing fast i was there and i never did much just watched lol or ran out behind and kept em busy with word and quid. If you can stat the larger guilds people the smaller guilds have a better chance at winning.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ehh factions make it more challenging, all that does is promote tons of stealth ressers which is ideally a good tactic but lame. It's all about the core fighting blood in hand, corspe on ground. :gun::gun::gun::gun::gun:

Also @ Rand, great point.