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Back after five years!! Need some help please.


Stratics Veteran
I am back for good...but I have no house and lost all my soulstones. :thumbdown:

My goals are:
Have a nice dungeon runner, preferably a Paladin
Finish my tamer that is a peacer
and fix my mage's template and gear

If anyone knows where I can find a few soulstones, it would be much appreciated. I'm a little behind on templates as well, but have been reading stratics to catch myself up. I am also intrigued by the tinker golem template. I have plenty of skills worked up on 5 chars, and plan to start a new char from scratch in the near future. Any guilds on Cats that play often together?? Any info will help me out greatly.

Oh and I may be acquiring an updated account soon, but who knows.

Thanks people!

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know of a few places where decent sized houses could be placed. Are you looking for anything in particular (facet, size, spawn)?


Stratics Veteran
Well, I was actually shocked to see that my old house plot is vacant. I think I may have convinced my buddy to start back playing as well, so I may need to find him a fel plot. Thanks


Stratics Veteran
Well it doesn't look like my friend is going to play anytime soon. I'm buying SA expansion tonight and plan on making a few soulstone fragments with my alchemist to get me started. Anyone know where I can get a Charger of the Fallen? I lost that too. Can I get some info on this "Sampire" character? Sounds like it's exactly what I need to start getting some good gear. Thanks