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Aye, Pirate Huntin'!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
“Ahoy Mateys!” Captain Kaleb speaks.
Board th’ ships,
Off ter sea,
We sail!

Ramblin’ off about pirate huntin’
Penny the Pirate be singin’ n’ tellin’ jokes,
Makin’ th’ crew laugh away.
She be drinkin’ ter much n’ swin’in’ her cutlass around,
Blimey! She almost took me head off!
I be tellin’ ye!

We be lost out at sea!
“Ahoy Amber Witch!” Capt’n Kaleb Talks.
“May ye take over th’ wheel?”
“Aye, Aye Capt’n Kaleb” Amber Witch replies.
Pulling out the compass,
Guiding th’ crew,
In th’ right direction.

Sail ho!
“Arrr!” crew says.
“Sink the ship!” Capt’n Kaleb says.
“Fire in the hole!” yells the crew.
“Arr the ship is sinking capt’n!” said the crew.
“Kill the pirate!” replied Capt’n Kaleb.
Crew goes ter attack the pirate,
Endin’ the pirates life,
Lootin’ th’ prize!

By Sally (C@S)

As it was a great time sailing away! Was a little bit rough at the beginning! But we finally were able to damage the boat enough to kill the pirate! Was a great outcome for the pirate hunting! Thank you all for coming to the event 2/8/2012 Pirate Hunting! Hope to see more pirate hunting events soon! Also just want to thank Kaleb for hosting the pirate hunting event and amber witch for helping us out! Thank you everyone who came out to help pirate hunt and to those who didn't have high seas thank you for still coming out with us! Hope to be a bit more prepared next time for pirate hunting!

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aww Sally, that was really sweet.

It was a lot of fun and can't wait to do it again!
