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Selling Pet Auction Two slot Hue Void Nightmare 306 str


Stratics Veteran
Keep in mind than str 2 slot NM is 250-270 around normally, is rare str like 306, str in pet training is 3 points for 1 str.

I estimate that chance respawn NM 2 slot Void is 1 in 4000

2800 3 slots (new hues and old hues)
1200 2 slots (new hues and old hues)

New hue chance 1 in 200 (two new hues)
Void NM chance 1 in 400

1200 2 slots:

1996 2 slots old hues
1 NM 2 slot void
2 NM New hue 1
2 NM new hue 2

Shard : Atlantic
Reserve 60M
Increments 5M
Buyout 300M

End auction Sunday 22:30 PM (GMT-4) New York 10 MIN RULE APPLIES Delivery Atlantic NM Void 2 slot.jpg
Last edited:


Stratics Veteran
How does this compare to a PP nightmare? Is it basically the color that makes it valuable?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
These go for around 25m. From someone who has farmed significantly more than 4000 I'll say that the actual chance of a void is about 1/100 and a 2 slot about 1/300. Your math is way off on this one dude. If you need me to I can dig up my excel sheets with spawn info to help you with your stats OP.


Stratics Veteran
These go for around 25m. From someone who has farmed significantly more than 4000 I'll say that the actual chance of a void is about 1/100 and a 2 slot about 1/300. Your math is way off on this one dude. If you need me to I can dig up my excel sheets with spawn info to help you with your stats OP.
You're definitely wrong, I have a pet store in magincian, Magincian B1 stall, I surely has farmed around 7000 NM in the last month, I caught only two void NM 2 slot, but two slot other hues, I call it of Steel Dark and Shadow 7 in total. Beyond that, STR in this NM is very rare. I believe it has been decreased the chance to respawns in Pub 99, for me now it's much harder to get GD 4 slots, one of the reasons I stopped selling GD 4 slots in the Pet store in Magincian. Who does not agree with me ? Will try to get a.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The problem with the mare IS the HP. It will jump to 3 slot as soon as it attacks something because it is over 300. At least thats my experience with them.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
You should set reserve to 30m .
Usually I sell these at 60m.
I know this isnt what you want to hear, but void colored isnt very popular EVEN if they do spawn more rarely. I think this is due to not being super visible in 3d client, and prepatch nightmares being so much better.

I farm in Felucca where they seem to spawn once in every about 200 (2 slot).
I get a 2 slot every third special color and special colors come about once every 40 nightmare.

I havent seen these jump to 3 slot though, that seems weird.