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[Discussion] Auction Threads

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Hello everyone,

I would just like to address an issue that has been making me pretty frustrated, along with many others. To ensure up-to-date pricing on event items, we need to have a record of them! When you close your auction thread, do not wipe the post entirely of it's information. When you do this, we, the people who would like to either know the price or try to sell the same item, have no clue what the current asking price is. So please do not erase your buyouts or selling price information on your auction thread, just simply change the thread to [Sold] or state that the item is sold in a comment.

Thank you!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know it would be a lot of work to put together but I'd like to see the a bidding system added that automates some of the auction tedium.

Something like allowing the OP to set global options for standards like bid increment minimums, begin/end date, x-minute rule and shard location.

Then the op could add items separately specifying reserve, start and buyout and pic.

Once the auction is configured, bidders would only have to click a bid button next to the item. They can then choose to bid the minimum increment auto fill or enter a bid manually if they wish to bid above the increment. Once the bidder confirmed, the OP would be updated with current bid/bidder.

That would save the OP the effort of manually updating bids and let folks bidding know what the current bid is without sifting through posts. When the auction expired it would close bidding automatically and display the winning price/bidder. That information would be locked for reference.
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