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AUCTION OVER!! Rare Cards/Bird/heal Brazier/Dirt/Marble Columns.



-SALE ENDING Thursday,March 20th at 7:30 PM eastern.In which i MAY or MAY NOT sell these items for their current offer --------

Taking Offers On most of the rest of my collection of <font color="red"> STUCK IN STRONG BOX </font> rares.These items are only removed from the box by using an axe on the box
where you want the item to fall,they are lock downable,and Insurable.

1 [Bird] Pacific Shard. <font color="red"> STUCK IN BOX </font>

1 [Cards] Baja Shard. <font color="red"> STUCK IN BOX </font>

1 [Dirts] Baja Shard. <font color="red"> STUCK IN BOX </font>

1 [Healing Brazier] Baja Shard. <font color="red"> STUCK IN BOX </font>

Taking offers. ICQ-395059356


-High offers-

Cards: 25 million

Bird: 30 million

Brazier: 25 million

Dirt:25 million.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ill offer 15m per item

im guna ask if you could page a GM and ask if the Bird is legal tho and post a screeny of the response.....i cant really see it too good in that pic thx to this pos monitor but it doesnt look like one ive ever seen....


I will have to think on that treyster,If they decide i shouldnt have i lose out on a unique item, you lose nothing hehe. Will think about it tonight.

I understand why you would like this information tho completely don't get me wrong.

EDIT: im going to page. Q.Q


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
aye man i see where your comming from too and i wasnt trying to be rude or ne thing, but i mean its like someone selling a water tile, someone comes along and buys it then the guy selling pages gm and the guy who just bought gets banned =/. or the item gets deld, either way someone gets screwed lol

Kinda like the red checks in the red crates....i bought one of those, then paged on my self just to be sure, and sure enough it got deld lol =/

either way i seen ur Edit, and tyvm cuz i collect items stuck in boxes and the bird is pretty sweet hehe...atleast it sounds like it, id also need to see it in game


nice tell all that after i page, lol. J/k.
30 in queue!!! what the hellz!

in the process of paging now, only gonna wait max of two hours tho, last time took 4 hours for a ***** response)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yea it usually does take several hours and half the time by the time a GM does show up im in the bathroom or sumthin, and they only stay about 25 secs then leave so i get the response "we tried to meet with you in game but you were unavalible please try again later"


Ok screw it, i sat there for 1 hour and still said 30 queue.
I'll Say it here and now


-SALE ENDING Thursday,March 20th at 7:30 PM eastern.In which i MAY or MAY NOT sell these items for their current offer -


when you guys say XX mil per, are you also offering on the 4 columns as a set or divided.They are four seperate items, and i might sell them seprate from eachother if offers good.


Out of curiosity when people buy these types of items and display them do ya usually axe the boxes or just lock them down and set them to "anyone"?


well I only have a measley statue in a box and yes I locked the box down for display


Can you use an engrave tool on a box like this to maybe put "Check out my bird" lol?
I have a box locked down and set to anyone to display my old deeds and was wondering if anyone besides me actually ever click on stuff like that.


If a rares museum has the box on like ( say the museum has lots of pedestal's on ground with rares on top of it) ill look inside , i don't go around randomly in someones house tho trying to peek inside their chest.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
im saying it as per item but doing the collums as a set, didnt really know there was 1 in 4 boxes hehe


Nice Bid There.
I was thinking of going 30 per..but still debating on it.
Nice collection he has there.


Auction is now over, thank you all for bidding. Contact me Via ICQ-395059356
Treyster please ICQ ME or PM ME for your winning bids, and winner of bird (you know who you are icq me)



While Accounts Are still open I have one left I would like to sell, Well I have quite a few oddities left, but this is the only one I am willing to let go of right now.
Taking offers.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
why was post deleted? The guy took the time to provide useful information on these items. im just asking as the explanation of the exploit was from over 8 years ago and no longer able to be done, i found it helpful in allowing buyers to assess how many of these items are out there, and dont see the problem with it especially if corrupt EM items, and other exploit items are being recognized and documented.

If your going to recognize these items, all im saying is that the information behind them must be recognized as well.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
why was post deleted? The guy took the time to provide useful information on these items. im just asking as the explanation of the exploit was from over 8 years ago and no longer able to be done, i found it helpful in allowing buyers to assess how many of these items are out there, and dont see the problem with it especially if corrupt EM items, and other exploit items are being recognized and documented.

If your going to recognize these items, all im saying is that the information behind them must be recognized as well.
Sorry man, I deleted it myself for a few reasons, wasnt moderators. I'll repost it for you and others.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
This is an ultra necro bump, but its to provide some information on these rares in case they still exist in someones museum.
I will never play again, so I don't mind revealing it, besides I'm sure the housing rules have since changed.

Back in 2008 or so, I discovered a bug that no one seemed to be taking advantage of. You could get any Seer/GM items that were set to movable false ,which were were placed on the ground, into your housing storage box.
As long as you placed the home plot stairs on the item, the item would pop onto the stairs, you could then lock it down, and customize your house. This would put it in the temporary storage box.
Then what you did was place another house, so the one with the rare would go IDOC, resulting in dropping a metal box with the item inside when it fell.

I started going to every shard and searching for seer/gm placed items from the first years of UO's life that may have been still around on the floor somewhere. Sure enough, I found tons (some not included in this auction).

Soon after I found this exploit, my brother remembered a unique spot on Atlantic that had a circle of marble columns. The only place like it across all servers.
This spot was special we soon found, as you could use the exploit previously stated, but every server down, it would spawn a new one on the steps that you could actually pick up *just once* and place it in a box your self. He took advantage of that, selling some, also placing many around Atlantic. It kind of pissed me off because he was saturating the market, but whatever, he found the spawner.
He passed away, and I was ready to stop playing UO once and for all, so before I quit I made sure to sabotage the secret duplicate marble spot by manipulating the spawner location with house placement.
So if you have any of those Marble Columns/GM items in a box still, hold on to them, as there will never ever be another way to get them. I had quite a few in my bank, but deleted them right before I quit, besides like 1 which I sold a couple years ago for very little.

My proof is this picture of the process for the orc sign, which you wont find anywhere else. I forget which shard I smuggled that sign from...but sorry all the same for pillaging some of your shard history.
I'm sure no one cares at all, but I was bored and someone MAY find it interesting, especially the owners of the items now. Bye.

Edit: to be even more specific, now that I recall. What you did was place a classic style home that had only like 2 front steps or so, like say a small stone house. you lined the item up next to the stairs, placed the house, then converted the house to a plot so the stairs expanded onto the item. Then you could lock down the item and do the trick.
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Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i apologize, if you decided against posting ill delete mine as well. i just think its very interesting information especially since i like this sort of thing. but the metal boxes are not choppable? it was only the items that you could "pick up once" that could be put in wooden boxes or bags? (able to be chopped)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i apologize, if you decided against posting ill delete mine as well. i just think its very interesting information especially since i like this sort of thing. but the metal boxes are not choppable? it was only the items that you could "pick up once" that could be put in wooden boxes or bags? (able to be chopped)
At the time, the metal boxes were indeed choppable. So when you chopped the box with, lets say, a marble column in it, you could place it anywhere you wanted like brit bank roof, and it would not be able to be picked up by anyone. You could get them into your backpack even, and insure them, but they weighed 255 stones. (if I recall correctly).

The two-story statue was in a wooden box that wasn't choppable though. That was actually the item I first developed the bug strat with. Found it outside vesper east exit, and decided to see what would happen if I was able to get it on my stairs. What do you know, I was able to lock it down. I paged a GM and asked them to remove it from my storage box for me, and place it in a box. I had not yet figured out that I should just let the houses go idoc to get the rare items. A admin actually did it for me with a lot of skepticism, and said they wouldn't do it again if I chopped it.

To explain a little more into the *pick up only once* thing, for whatever reason, I never figured out why, when server came back up and a new marble column had respawned on the steps, it was able to be dragged only once into a container of your choice, or if you had the stamina, you could run with it across the land until you want to place it somewhere. But once you let go of it, it was locked in place permanently.
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